I love Christmas cards! It’s so fun to visit the mailbox all through the month of December and see the writing of friends and family on the cards inside. I love reading people’s letters and seeing pictures of growing families. We have so many friends and family who live far afield, and it warms my heart to catch up with the annual cards.
Here’s a copy of the card and the letter that sums up the Dotzour Family in late 2010…

December 2010
Greetings to our family and friends!
I hope that this Christmas finds you in good health and with a contented heart. It’s fun to have a white Christmas here in Madison. The kids have been thrilled to discover and re-discover all the magical traditions this year. Cookies! Lights! Decorations! Special books and movies and songs! Oh, and need I add…Presents!!! It’s wonderful to experience the holidays through the eyes of my five- and two-year old.
2010 has been a nice year in the Dotzour home. Bowser, who is sitting on my lap as I type, asked me to tell you that he and Spooky turned 10-years-old this year. Funny that the tiny kittens we got when we’d only been married a year are turning into “old men!”
Our extended family has been doing great with the sad exceptions of Bryan’s Grandma Harvey and my Uncle Greg who both passed away earlier this year. Our thoughts are with Grandpa Harvey and Aunt Kate as they adjust to life without their partners.
If you follow my blog, www.dotzourfamily.com, you can read up on the weekly highs and lows of our crew and see way more pictures than anyone really needs.
Here’s a snapshot of our year.
In 2010, Bryan took up Ultimate Frisbee, grew a beard, and switched jobs. How’s that for the year in a nutshell? He enjoys his new job programming at ShopBop, and it’s a thrill to see him challenged and engaged. If you need any super-hip, trendy clothes, check them out online! Bryan’s such a dedicated, capable guy, and I’m proud that he’s my husband!
Andrew turned five in June. He spent the summer playing, climbing, reading, swimming, and generally living it up. He continues to love animals, has a fantastic imagination, loves to play on the iPhone, and is reading up a storm. In September, he started Kindergarten at our neighborhood Spanish language immersion charter school. I wasn’t sure how he would do in a 90% Spanish environment, but he’s thriving. His teacher is fantastic, and he skips to and from school each day. What a joy!
Sylvia has grown up so much this year. She’s a big talker now, telling stories, playing make-believe, and dancing, twirling, dressing up, and just being a wonder of a child. You should see that girl walk around in heels! We’ve had challenges helping her direct her intense emotions, but with the assistance of Paci and Poodle, and her increasing vocabulary, it seems like that is getting better all the time. If you ever want to play pretend, come on over to the Dotzour house, and my kids will engage you!
I’ve felt so fortunate this last year to live the life I do. I love living in Madison, and I feel lucky to get to be home with the kids. I feel luckier still to have some part-time child care for Sylvia which allows me the space to work at and grow my photography business – over 50 clients this year! I took up early-morning bootcamp workouts and took to running again. Remarkably, I’m really enjoying both! I had a busy year, and it was so much fun.
Especially at this celebratory time of year, our thoughts are with all our friends and family who we love but don’t get to see. I hope your 2011 is a good year, filled with a lovely mix of calm and adventure, growth and peace. Cheers to you!