Hope your December and Christmas was merry and bright!

Oh, boy, it’s been quite a busy and less-than-healthy month in the Dotzour home.  I just looked on my site and realized that I haven’t written a post since December 3!  Oops.  So now I’m wondering…do I catch up with early December, or do I jump right into the Christmas celebrations from the last couple days?  Decisions, decisions.

Well, as a compromise, I’ll upload all our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day pics to the gallery, so anyone who wants a visual of the Christmas festivities can see them.  And then I’ll write some posts for catch up.  As a quick spoiler, we had a wonderful celebration.  I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling all weekend.

I hope that everyone out there enjoyed a lovely Christmas and that you are now (or will soon) get to have what we in the Babler family refer to as Slug Day.  Staying in pajamas, playing with toys, watching movies, snuggling down, and relaxing for many hours after the excitement of the last days and weeks.
