Christmas Eve

We had a lovely Christmas celebration in Wisconsin this year.  The last time we were in Madison for Christmas was in ’08.  My mom had been gone just over a year, and it was hard…coming up with new traditions without her.

This year felt a lot more joyous.  Time really does heal.

I was so excited to see Maretta & Kyle and Joe.  The Zilics drove down from St. Paul on the 23rd after work, and Joe flew in from DC on the 24th.  By the afternoon of Christmas Eve, the four of us siblings were in the same place for the first time since May.  Makes my heart feel full.

Here’s some pics from our evening together.

Here, Maretta and Kyle are watching The Muppet’s Christmas Carol with the kids.


Getting ready for supper.

Here’s our menu:

Christmas Eve Dinner 2010

Party potatoes – Lisa
Roasted Brussel Sprouts
Pink Salad
Slow cooked honey baked ham

Cheesecake – Maretta
Lots and lots of Christmas cookies


Sitting down to the feast.  I think everyone agreed that ham was a good way to go.  So yummy!



Joe took a turn with the camera, so there’s a picture of me!


There were 11 of us snugged in to our table.  It worked out just fine:)


One ham is honey baked and one ham is a two-year-old girl.


Sweet sister.



Digging in!


After dinner, the kids got to open a few gifts.  They opened their presents from Maretta & Kyle since the two of them were spending Christmas Day with Kyle’s mom and Kyle’s dad’s family.



They also both got to open their Christmas pajamas.


After the kids were outfitted in their new jams, we all read The Night Before Christmas together.


My version of the story is illustrated by Mary Engelbreit, and I love the pictures.


Sylvia loved the story too.


The kids hung their stockings amidst much anticipation and headed off to the land of sugar plums.  Here’s a sneak peek of what they found the next morning.


Christmas is so much fun!  And this was certainly a Christmas I’ll remember.  When people asked what he wanted for Christmas, Andrew stubbornly would reply, “Love.  Just love in my heart.”  I think we all won out as there was lots of love in our hearts.


And with that, I lay my head down for a long winter’s nap.

2 Replies to “Christmas Eve”

  1. I hope it is as obvious to you as it is to all the rest of us that your mom is very proud of the person you are. I never knew her, but I'm pretty sure she was awesome like you.

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