Sylvia recites

Quick little story:

This morning, Sylvia was sitting at the breakfast table alone while I went to get dressed.  From my bedroom, I hear her clear little voice reciting,

“Baby was TWO YEARS OLD and never wanted to come in for dinner and never wanted to take a bath.  When grandma visited, said bad words!

But at night time Mama would crawl across the floor and look up over side of his bed.  Pick up that great big boy and slowly rocked back and forth back and forth back and forth.

Sang, ‘Love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.'”

I think my heart stopped a little while I listened.  We haven’t read that book (I’ll Love You Forever) in weeks.  And I had no idea that she knew any of the words, much less a whole (somewhat mixed up) segment of the book.  Amazing!  I so wanted to covertly video her, but it was fleeting, and I knew if she saw me she’d stop.

My girl is two months shy of three, and I’m starting to see a lot more of a preschooler in my toddler!

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For those of you not familiar with the story Sylvia was reading, here’s a link to the text. <sob>

12 Replies to “Sylvia recites”

  1. I have a friend in Wichita who told me her kids used to talk her into reading that to them because she couldn't read it without crying.

  2. Sylvia, you are one doll baby!! Your Granny thinks you're the best!! Your brother is pretty super, too. 🙂 Love you!!

  3. Cute, cute Syliva, such a big little girl! I love the text, I need to find the book!
    I hope we get to see you as we pass through Chicago 🙂
    Love, Karin

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