Giving thanks for 2010

Thanksgiving Day.  A fun day of relaxing and playing.  Granny did nearly all the cooking (with moderate assistance from Melanie and even more moderate assistance by me).  I took a little time to photograph some of the prettiness around the house.

Here’s the fall wreath on the front door.

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Granny got some materials for the kids to make place cards.  So cute!

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Pilgrims and Indians and the napkin rings made by the kids.

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Beautiful Thanksgiving flowers sent by Grandma Jo.

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Meanwhile, my half-naked children played games.  Here’s Sylvia coloring with Grandad.

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and Andrew and Bryan playing a game of Quirkle.  Andrew caught on to this game right-fast!

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The weather was balmy for the first few days of our trip (high seventies!), but on Thanksgiving, a cold front blew in, and we all got a little chilly!  Here’s Sylvia (wearing a dress that used to be Melanie’s) and Bryan watching Grandad and Andrew playing with a remote control car.

11-11-25_Texas Thanksgiving_093 Grandad steers and Andrew leaps about in front of the crazy car.

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Here’s my sis Melanie looking svelte and fabulous.

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Me and my girl (thanks for taking the picture, Grandad!).

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Here’s our lovely Thanksgiving table.

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Grandad carves the turkey.

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So much good food!

11-11-25_Texas Thanksgiving_131Yum!  I hope your Thanksgiving celebrations were warm and loving and full of all your favorite foods.

11-11-25_Texas Thanksgiving_140 We have so much to be grateful for – good health, wonderful family, treasured friends, warm homes, full kitchens, peace, and contentment.  Wishing you all a gratitude-filled year!