Month of ill health

One of the reasons that I didn’t post much in December is that we were all so sick for so much of it.

Sylvia had a bad cold just after Halloween.  She coughed for two weeks, had a good week of clear health, and then just after Thanksgiving came down with another cold.  Soon, Bryan, Andrew, and I all were sick too.  That’s all normal enough, but a couple weeks later, she started running a fever again.  The fever went away and was replaced by an evening of the stomach flu.  At a birthday party no less.  A doctor’s appointment revealed an ear infection.

Then in addition to my cold, I got the worst sore throat I’d had in years.  And I lost all energy – exhaustion and fatigue were the name of the game.  A wonderful doctor – my fairy-god-doctor – diagnosed me with strep throat.  After a couple days of antibiotics, my throat felt soooo much better.  But it took me a good week to regain my ability to be up and about.  So glad to live in an age of modern medicine!

Around that time, Andrew’s cough got worse, so I took him to the doctor to have them check his lungs.  I was glad that he wasn’t having bronchitis or pneumonia issues, but they did put him on antibiotics to treat what they thought was a sinus infection.

So for the next 10 days, Andrew, Sylvia, and I were on a ridiculous medicine schedule.  Sylvia took her medicine once a day.  Andrew took his (refrigerated med) twice a day with food.  I took mine three times a day – one hour before or two hours after eating.   We all had a sticker chart to keep track of who had taken what.

Now, a month after we all initially got sick, I think it’s safe to say that we’re all on the mend.  The kids and I are still coughing intensely now and then, but we’re close to normal.  I’m back to giving 100% at my workouts.  And I’m hoping that we all get a little reprieve before we get the next bug that is inevitably on the way.

One Reply to “Month of ill health”

  1. ugh! sounds like our house minus the strep, thank God! The last time I had strep was when we were learning (on each other) intraoral injections :/ Not fun!!

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