Dia de los muertos

I woke up early this morning (first to go to boot camp) and then to shape and rise my pan de muerto.  Today – November 2 – is Dia de los Muertos.  Andrew has been learning about and preparing for this celebratory day at Kindergarten, and so I thought we’d celebrate as a family too.  Last night before going to bed, he drew a picture of my mom for the alter they have set up in the classroom to honor deceased ancestors.  I told him he could alternatively or also draw pictures of any of his great-grand parents who are no longer with us, but he said he’d like to draw just Grandma Margot because, “She was your mom.”

For those of you (like I was a few months ago) who are unfamiliar with this ancient holiday, here’s a little summary.

“Día de los Muertos” (Day of the Dead) is one of Mexico’s most traditional holidays, reuniting and honoring beloved ancestors, family and friends.

It is a celebration going back hundreds of years, that Aztec, Mayan, Toltec, Nahua, Tlaxcaltec, Chichimec and Tecpan indigenous peoples used to practice. In the Mexican culture, through this tradition, death seems to hold no terror.

“Día de los Muertos” is not a mournful commemoration, but instead,  a happy and colorful celebration where death takes on a lively, friendly expression and is not a frightening stranger. A very beautiful, commemorative and colorfuly adorned table with mementos of the departed, their favorite foods and symbolic offerings like water, salt and pictures of the loved one, is created. This is called the “altar,” where candles dispel the darkness, just as the souls are being illuminated from the shadows of death.

My recipe for pan de muerto comes from Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Mineral. I can’t attest to the actual bread yet (it’s still rising), but the dough is unbelievable!  It’s like cinnamon challah with extra butter:)

In honor of Dia de los Muertos, here are some photos of our beloved deceased ancestors.  I hope to think of them often with a smile today.

Here’s my mommy: Margot

Andrew's not sure if he's ready for his first carousel ride

My happy, beautiful Mommy.

Mommy on Christmas

Here’s Bryan’s paternal grandpa: Dandy (a.k.a. Grover)

Here are my sweet paternal grandparents:Grandma (Lucille) and Grandpa (Mike) Babler

Grandma and

Here is Grandma Harey (a.k.a. Lola Mae)

Grandma Havey with ark animalsThose are the deceased ancestors for whom I have digital pictures.  Bryan’s Great-Grandma Doll passed away in 1999, and my maternal Grandpa Joe passed away in the early ’70s.  Oh, I did just find a photo of Grandpa Joe.

That’s Grandpa Joe standing in the middle (between his parents??).  My mom is on the bottom right with Peter, Kirk, and Katie to her left.

I hope you can find some festive and joyful ways to honor your deceased loved ones today!  I’m intrigued by this holiday that attempts to translate pain into celebration.  Should be fun!



Halloween 2010

Bryan’s sister, Melanie, has been visiting us this past weekend.  We anticipated her visit with such excitement, and it was positively wonderful to have her here.  I wish we could keep her here with us always!!

Mel has a long tradition of visiting us “up north” in the fall, and it’s such fun to have her here over Halloween!  Here’s some pics of our evening festivities.

The kids both wanted to be Blaze the firefly from the Tinkerbell movies.  Sylvia differentiated by declaring that she wanted to be a “mommy firefly.”  In recent days, she changed and decided she wanted to be a “mommy rat.”  I said that was fine as long as she wore the wings I sewed for her.

The kid’s costumes consisted of black clothes, bobble headbands, sewn wings (black set on top, silver on the bottom), and some yellow LED lights.  In Sylvia’s case, I wound them through her yellow tutu.  In Andrew’s case, I affixed them in a baggie on his behind.  They looked pretty cute!

At supper tonight, Sylvia decided that she was going to be a lion (Andrew’s lion costume from 2007).  The girl changes her mind…frequently.  However, she decided at the last minute to wear the firefly skirt but not the wings.



We did some pumpkin carving this weekend.


Here’s the one Andrew designed and Bryan cut out (Bryan added the horns).


And here’s Mellie’s cute pumpkin.  One scary (Andrew’s), one happy (Melanie’s).


Two of our nine back-yard-grown pumpkins became Jack-o-Lanterns.

10-31-10_Halloween_041 Here’s Miss Sylv without her wings but with her cute glowing skirt.

10-31-10_Halloween_035 Halloween sure is exciting!!

Here’s our crew before heading out.  We visited seven houses.  After five, both kids were ready to head home:)


They looked so sweet going up to doors together!

10-31-10_Halloween_056After getting candy, they liked to take a quick break and eat a bit of their loot.


Here’s Sylvia and Andrew getting their photo taken by our neighbor, Cindy.  Sylvia turned to look at me just as I took the pic.


Having kids is a lot of fun!


Heading back home…


Warming up with Aunt Mel.

10-31-10_Halloween_088Tomorrow (Monday) morning), Melanie and Sylvia head down to Texas.  Sylvia will be spending the week at Granny and Grandad’s house.   Sylv is so excited!  She’s been packing her bag for the last few days.  I fly down on Friday to pick her up.  It’s going to be an exciting week for her, and an exciting week for me!  Happy travels, girls!

Mun Run – What fun!!!

Bryan’s’ sister Melanie is visiting us from her home in Dallas this weekend.  We’ve been having a great time together.  Melanie joined me and Bryan in a a crazy event called the Madison Mud Run.  When we woke up this morning, the thermometer read 27 degrees.  Yikes!

Fortunately, the day warmed up (all the way to 40 degrees:)  And even though she’s from warm Texas, Melanie was game to join in our cold weather kooky-ness.

And the run was a lot of fun!

Here are some pics of us before we started:

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In those pictures, I don’t think we look as cold as we felt!

Then, after our 4-5 mile race and 16 obstacles, here’s how we looked:

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We all had a great time!  Now, I’m ready for a hot shower:)

First Halloween Party

On Sunday, Andrew and Sylvia and I attended a Halloween bash at a preschool friend’s home.  It was so much fun!  They went totally overboard with the decorations and activities and costumes.  A wizard came and gave a show to a rapt audience.  And the kids and I ate a truly exceptional quantity of cupcakes, jello, cookies, candies, cheese puffs, and other delectables.

Here’s the entrance to their back yard…

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The family graveyard…

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Moments after arriving, the kids consume (the frosting only) of cupcake #1.

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Here’s Andrew’s friend Olivia from preschool.  She’s a cute purple kitty.

10-17-10_Izzy's party_019 Andrew the giraffe (circa 2008) with preschool friends Jeffrey and Roan.

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Here’s Sylvia hunting for some lollipop ghosts.  The scab on her nose is from a dive she took off the front steps (onto concrete) a week ago).

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During the magic show, I had fun photographing the crowd.

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What great costumes!

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10-17-10_Izzy's party_055Since the firefly costumes aren’t done (started) yet, the kids got to pick from our large array of costumes.  Andrew picked the giraffe, and Sylvia picked first the lion and then the blue bunny and finally the pink tutu that I’m going to wear on the Mud Run on Halloween.  For her, every day is dress up day.

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The kids loved the show!  There’s Olivia again with her little pink pumpkin sister Haley.10-17-10_Izzy's party_056

YUM.  Cheese puffs.  My kids didn’t realize that the world held such flavors:)

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There’s the vets, Mike and Laura with the purple kitty Olivia and the pink pumpkin Haley.

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The weather was perfect…warm and clear.  But as night fell, the fire sure felt nice!

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What great decorations and what a great party!  Thanks guys, for a great evening!!

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Princess Sylvia

When we walk into the gym to go to my MamaTone fitness class, we’re greeted by an over-sized poster of a lady weight lifting.  Sylvia loves this poster.  She talks about it before we get there, and as we walk in, she always spends a good deal of energy contemplating this big, strong woman.  She calls her The Princess.  And depending on the day, she lets me know that a) it’s me, or b) it’s Sylvia when she’s a big, big mommy.

Sylvia notes that The Princess has on red chapstick.

I’m not sure what it is about this woman that has so captured my daughter’s fascination, but one thing’s for sure…when she goes to MamaTone next time, Sylvia will be admiring her.

Madison Mun Run

Here's a picture swiped from the Madison Mud Run website to give you some flavor

This blog post constitutes and open invitation to join me and Bryan and some of our assorted friends in a crazy run on Halloween morn.  The Madison Mud Run is a 5 mile race taking place in Verona.  I’m really excited!  Bryan signed us up (Melanie’s going to be in town, and she’s joining us!!!).  Our team name is the Mud Mummies.  So when you sign up, list your team as the Mud Mummies, and join in our kooky camaraderie!  We’re encouraged to run in costume, so I got a little pink tutu and some pink cat ears.  Not sure what kind of cat wears a tutu, but that’ll be me.

The thing that drew me to this race was the ridiculousness of it.  It’s got 16 obstacles.  Here’s info on them from the website:

Obstacles: This event will be filled with obstacles including:

1. Wicked Water Crossing: Waste deep cold water that will get you dirty and wet early in the race.

2.  Freaky Foam Tunnel: A dark tunnel with Halloween themed music and strobe lights filled with sudsy foam.

3.  Witch’s Wall Climb: A 5′ tall wall with rock climbing holds to help you scale it.

4.  Spooktacular Slippery Slope: A short, steep climb that is difficult to reach the top.

5.  Haunted Forest: A dark forest filled with creepy ghosts and goblins.

6.  Creepy Crawl: 30″ plastic tubes that are 10 feet long.  Crawl through these tubes to reach the other side.

7.  Obstacle Course of Doom: A 52′ long inflatable obstacle course that includes barriers, a wall climb, and a fun slide.

8.  Terrifying Tires: A pile of tires that is sure to slow even the fastest runners.  Watch your step as you navigate the treacherous terrain.

9.  Hell’s Hurdles: Picture a steep hill, going up of course, filled with hay bale hurdles to slow your ascent.  Stay fast and smooth to clear these hurdles.

10.  Skeleton Slip and Slide: 100′ of scary slip and slide, just like when you were a kid.  And just the the skeleton in the Olympics!

11.  Werewolf Wall Climb: Another 5′ tall wall climb.  This one has ropes to help you get over it.

12.  Black Cat Balance Beams: 4 inches wide and 40 feet long.  These beams are guaranteed to test your focus and footing.

13.  Spider Web Crawl: A 6 foot high pyramid of cargo nets.  Can you be the fastest spider through this challenging web?

14.  Pyramid of Pumpkins: A pyramid built from hay bales and pumpkins.  Scale this pyramid and head for the last two obstacles.  You are almost there!

15.  Scarecrow’s Swamp Crossing: One more challenge to slow you down and make sure you remain wet and muddy throughout this event.  This is just a warm up for the Mud Pit that is awaiting you.

16.  Mummy’s Mud Pit: Knee deep mud that participants MUST crawl through.  This mud will surely be cold, but don’t let that stop you.  The showers and free beer and chicken wings await you at the finish line!

If anything, these obstacles should provide a nice opportunity to catch a couple breaths!  I hope the weather’s not too cold!  And what to wear?  Probably something disposable!

Adam, Ashleigh, Anne, Julie, Natalie…you’ve all said that you’re interested.  I hope to see you there!!


My cousin Sarah lives in Toronto.  Sarah is, for those who know me, my mom’s older brother Peter’s daughter.  Over the last 33 years of my life, I’ve seen Sara and her brothers only rarely, but when I do, I always enjoy our time together.  They’re a fun, creative, tall, and pretty hilarious group.

Sarah…my cousin-in-Toronto…has a blog, which I consider to be a great thing because she is a pretty insightful and humerus writer.

A couple weeks ago, Sarah posted a story on her blog about a recent sky diving experience.  I so enjoyed reading it.  My heart pounded in my chest while I read.  I encourage you to take a few moments to experience vicariously what my crazy daring cousin tried.  What a way to celebrate a birthday!

To whet your appetite, here’s an excerpt from her post “I had a dream…“:

I just fell 2000 feet and it felt like nothing.  I’m not screaming or making any noise.  However, I am aware my mouth is wide open as I am in awe of this sensation, of heavy wind blowing on me, but I never really feel like I am falling, and after a while, the wind feels alternatively soft and cushiony and then hard and dull on my body.  This is terminal velocity.

I peer at my altimeter again, in a dreamlike haze.

7500 feet.

Almost time to pull the chute.  I reach back to touch the orange ball on Mike’s hip.

6000 feet.

Mouth still wide open, all the air entering my body, air I’m sure I’ve never breathed before and will never breathe again.

Continuity of conversation

Life with 2-year-old Syliva is such a treat.  That girl!  She sparkles like sunshine making diamonds on water.  She twirls and giggles and dashes off.  She snuggles down and tells you what she’s thinking about.  Her vocabulary and complexity of speech has been expanding amazingly these last months.  I often shake my head in disbelief as I hear her have adorable conversations with Andrew.

Sometimes, the flow of conversation with a 2-year-old is a little less than straight forward.  For example, here’s a snippet of dialogue from a couple days ago:

Me: “Sylvia, I sure do like you.  I’m glad your my daughter.”

Sylvia: (smiles warmly) -pause- “You, you, you, you like ham?” – pause- “You like monsters in the tubby?”

Also, I don’t think I gave it the full blog post it deserved, but Sylvia has a deep and abiding commitment to swim wear.  She wore swimming suits about 90% of the time this summer.  To bed, she wore a different swimming suit than she had worn during the day.  When we went out in public, she would agree to put on clothes over her swimming suit (in the car, just before going in), and then when we left the library/restaurant/market, she would immediately remove the offending clothing.  As the weather has turned chilly (it was 34 degrees this morning!), I’ve been a little concerned about how she’d deal.  Fortunately, she’s mostly self regulated.  I wear wool socks, jeans, a shirt, and a sweat shirt.  She wears a t-shirt, shorts, and bare feet.  Yesterday, she tried to play outdoors with a swimming suit, and she had lots of goosebumps, but she took personal offense to my suggestions that she try more layers.  Oh well!

In addition to loving swim suits, Sylvia has developed a somewhat compulsive habit of changing her clothes many times.  On days that she’s feeling a little “off,” she seems to pin the fault on her attire.  It’s totally normal for her to change her clothes six to eight times before lunch…perhaps looking for the outfit combo that will help her soul feel more peaceful.  Her room is strewn constantly with clothes and swim suits of all kinds.  I’ve pretty much stopped folding her clothes.

When we go out, it’s pretty common for little Sylv to get lots of looks and comments.  Today, she was wearing dress shoes with little heals and was carrying one of my purses.  Between her accessories and her incredible smile, and radiant joie de vivre, she elicits lots of smiles.  Alternatively, she elicits looks of shock and fear when her inner volcano erupts.  “Take cover, everyone!!”

Here’s a little note I jotted down a few weeks ago about a Sylvia dressing moment:

“Sylv puts on her non-PJ swim suit and a crown.  Then she realizes that it’s not the right choice and tries on a different swimming suit and then tosses the crown, saying, ‘I don’t need That!‘”

Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Sylvia from this summer.  What a wonderful world it is to have her in it!




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In other news, Andrew still calls vitamins “Bite a Mins.”  So all is right in my world:)

Olbrich flowers

I’m having a lot of fun being home with Sylvia during the days.  First, it’s much easier with one child than two, and second, Sylv is just so much fun to spend time with…especially when our activities get to circulate around her!

Last week, we spent a little time at Olbrich Gardens.  Sylvia was completely wrapped up in a make-believe dialogue while clambering over and under the giant hosta leaf sculpture.  So I took the opportunity to play around with some foliage photography.

Before kids, I photographed my dog and cats.  And before the furry ones, I photographed my plants.  A lot.  And I even featured them on my first website.

[Aside: if you go to that 2000/01 website, you’ll note that all my plants were named.  Yup, I named all my plants.  Anita and Joyce are still with me.  The others have perished.  But that’s OK.  I kinda don’t care about my plants anymore:)  Also, is it odd that in reading my old website that I kinda crack myself up?  I guess it’s good that at least I find myself funny!]

These first two pictures are of the clematis vine that is growing up and over our front balcony.  So pretty this time of year!

If you make your way alllll the way to the end of this photo extravaganza, you’ll be treated with a few images of my silly daughter being a little over-the-top in a questionable outfit.

Oh, also, if you want to use any of these pretty flowers as your desktop background, you can download the high resolution version from Flickr.  Directions are at the bottom.


























Photo downloading instructions:

Click on the image you like, and you’ll go to my website’s photo page.  Under the picture, there should be a link that says, “View this photo on Flickr”  Click on that, and you’ll be on the photo’s page on Flickr.  From there, click on the “Action” button just above the picture.  One of the options should be “View all sizes.”  Click on either “Large” or “Original” (depending on the resolution of your monitor), and then download.  Voila!

Scenes from the last couple weeks

September was a beautiful month.  Andrew’s done well at school, Sylvia is loving having time just for her.  Life’s been good.  Here are some pictures (all taken with my phone) that I’ve uploaded in the past couple weeks.

Here, we’re heading down to Rayna’s house to play.  I love the way Sylvia runs…pumping her elbows with conviction!

These girls love their dress-up play.  They have fun doing it for hours!

Miss Sylvie cracks me up with her Dorothy wig!

Another day, another costume!

Here’s our home.  The porch is covered in white clematis, and the pumpkins are out!

Spooky (left) and Bowser (right) love the fall.  It makes them feel kinda crazy, which leads to occasional escape attempts and some early-morning races up and down the bed/hallway.  I’m less of a fan of the spring and fall cat-insanity periods.

Sylvia started Toddler Time at Monona Grove Nursery School last week.  Here she’s greeting her teacher for the first time.  She was soooo glad to be going back!  She’s told me that she wants to go to preschool “All by myself with no Mommy and no Daddy.”  Next year, kiddo!  This year we’re doing two mornings of Toddler Time, which is a parent-tot two-hour play time.

Here I’m using my new cutting board for the first time.  Bryan and I got a bamboo cutting board for our wedding 11 years ago.  Last week, it broke.  So I bought a new one.  It felt like a festive moment that should be captured for perpetuity.
[I’m making butternut squash soup if anyone’s interested.  mmmm]

Here, Andrew, Ranya, and a be-hatted Sylvia are playing on the front steps.

This tractor used to belong to my Uncle Kirk back when he was a kid.  My cousins and I all played with it at my grandma’s house.  I picked it up from my grandma’s storage unit a couple weeks ago.  Andrew and Sylvia love it.  I should get some video of him pulling her in the wagon!

My kids are kooks!

Kooks who love to dress up!

Hope that all made you smile!