Princess Sylvia

When we walk into the gym to go to my MamaTone fitness class, we’re greeted by an over-sized poster of a lady weight lifting.  Sylvia loves this poster.  She talks about it before we get there, and as we walk in, she always spends a good deal of energy contemplating this big, strong woman.  She calls her The Princess.  And depending on the day, she lets me know that a) it’s me, or b) it’s Sylvia when she’s a big, big mommy.

Sylvia notes that The Princess has on red chapstick.

I’m not sure what it is about this woman that has so captured my daughter’s fascination, but one thing’s for sure…when she goes to MamaTone next time, Sylvia will be admiring her.

4 Replies to “Princess Sylvia”

  1. For a long time, Niko called her a super hero. I guess the jacket tied around her waist made him think of a cape. Who was I to argue?

  2. This post made my day! Part of the charm must be the powerful fashion combo this lady has put together for her workout.

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