
My cousin Sarah lives in Toronto.  Sarah is, for those who know me, my mom’s older brother Peter’s daughter.  Over the last 33 years of my life, I’ve seen Sara and her brothers only rarely, but when I do, I always enjoy our time together.  They’re a fun, creative, tall, and pretty hilarious group.

Sarah…my cousin-in-Toronto…has a blog, which I consider to be a great thing because she is a pretty insightful and humerus writer.

A couple weeks ago, Sarah posted a story on her blog about a recent sky diving experience.  I so enjoyed reading it.  My heart pounded in my chest while I read.  I encourage you to take a few moments to experience vicariously what my crazy daring cousin tried.  What a way to celebrate a birthday!

To whet your appetite, here’s an excerpt from her post “I had a dream…“:

I just fell 2000 feet and it felt like nothing.  I’m not screaming or making any noise.  However, I am aware my mouth is wide open as I am in awe of this sensation, of heavy wind blowing on me, but I never really feel like I am falling, and after a while, the wind feels alternatively soft and cushiony and then hard and dull on my body.  This is terminal velocity.

I peer at my altimeter again, in a dreamlike haze.

7500 feet.

Almost time to pull the chute.  I reach back to touch the orange ball on Mike’s hip.

6000 feet.

Mouth still wide open, all the air entering my body, air I’m sure I’ve never breathed before and will never breathe again.

2 Replies to “Faaaallllling!”

  1. As a former archeologist, I must tell you that the humerus is the upper arm bone. But it does involve the "funny bone" so perhaps is apt here.

  2. I’m glad you enjoyed the post!  I would highly recommend skydiving to anyone–maybe this is what the cousins should do the next time we are together!

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