First Halloween Party

On Sunday, Andrew and Sylvia and I attended a Halloween bash at a preschool friend’s home.  It was so much fun!  They went totally overboard with the decorations and activities and costumes.  A wizard came and gave a show to a rapt audience.  And the kids and I ate a truly exceptional quantity of cupcakes, jello, cookies, candies, cheese puffs, and other delectables.

Here’s the entrance to their back yard…

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The family graveyard…

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Moments after arriving, the kids consume (the frosting only) of cupcake #1.

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Here’s Andrew’s friend Olivia from preschool.  She’s a cute purple kitty.

10-17-10_Izzy's party_019 Andrew the giraffe (circa 2008) with preschool friends Jeffrey and Roan.

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Here’s Sylvia hunting for some lollipop ghosts.  The scab on her nose is from a dive she took off the front steps (onto concrete) a week ago).

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During the magic show, I had fun photographing the crowd.

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What great costumes!

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10-17-10_Izzy's party_055Since the firefly costumes aren’t done (started) yet, the kids got to pick from our large array of costumes.  Andrew picked the giraffe, and Sylvia picked first the lion and then the blue bunny and finally the pink tutu that I’m going to wear on the Mud Run on Halloween.  For her, every day is dress up day.

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The kids loved the show!  There’s Olivia again with her little pink pumpkin sister Haley.10-17-10_Izzy's party_056

YUM.  Cheese puffs.  My kids didn’t realize that the world held such flavors:)

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There’s the vets, Mike and Laura with the purple kitty Olivia and the pink pumpkin Haley.

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The weather was perfect…warm and clear.  But as night fell, the fire sure felt nice!

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What great decorations and what a great party!  Thanks guys, for a great evening!!

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