Halloween 2010

Bryan’s sister, Melanie, has been visiting us this past weekend.  We anticipated her visit with such excitement, and it was positively wonderful to have her here.  I wish we could keep her here with us always!!

Mel has a long tradition of visiting us “up north” in the fall, and it’s such fun to have her here over Halloween!  Here’s some pics of our evening festivities.

The kids both wanted to be Blaze the firefly from the Tinkerbell movies.  Sylvia differentiated by declaring that she wanted to be a “mommy firefly.”  In recent days, she changed and decided she wanted to be a “mommy rat.”  I said that was fine as long as she wore the wings I sewed for her.

The kid’s costumes consisted of black clothes, bobble headbands, sewn wings (black set on top, silver on the bottom), and some yellow LED lights.  In Sylvia’s case, I wound them through her yellow tutu.  In Andrew’s case, I affixed them in a baggie on his behind.  They looked pretty cute!

At supper tonight, Sylvia decided that she was going to be a lion (Andrew’s lion costume from 2007).  The girl changes her mind…frequently.  However, she decided at the last minute to wear the firefly skirt but not the wings.



We did some pumpkin carving this weekend.


Here’s the one Andrew designed and Bryan cut out (Bryan added the horns).


And here’s Mellie’s cute pumpkin.  One scary (Andrew’s), one happy (Melanie’s).


Two of our nine back-yard-grown pumpkins became Jack-o-Lanterns.

10-31-10_Halloween_041 Here’s Miss Sylv without her wings but with her cute glowing skirt.

10-31-10_Halloween_035 Halloween sure is exciting!!

Here’s our crew before heading out.  We visited seven houses.  After five, both kids were ready to head home:)


They looked so sweet going up to doors together!

10-31-10_Halloween_056After getting candy, they liked to take a quick break and eat a bit of their loot.


Here’s Sylvia and Andrew getting their photo taken by our neighbor, Cindy.  Sylvia turned to look at me just as I took the pic.


Having kids is a lot of fun!


Heading back home…


Warming up with Aunt Mel.

10-31-10_Halloween_088Tomorrow (Monday) morning), Melanie and Sylvia head down to Texas.  Sylvia will be spending the week at Granny and Grandad’s house.   Sylv is so excited!  She’s been packing her bag for the last few days.  I fly down on Friday to pick her up.  It’s going to be an exciting week for her, and an exciting week for me!  Happy travels, girls!

2 Replies to “Halloween 2010”

  1. Read this while I/S was fixing my PC this morning. Cute costumes– good job! Looks like the kids had a good time!

  2. Love it! Love the picture of Sylvia with her skirt glowing over the leaves! Super cool!

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