Scenes from the last couple weeks

September was a beautiful month.  Andrew’s done well at school, Sylvia is loving having time just for her.  Life’s been good.  Here are some pictures (all taken with my phone) that I’ve uploaded in the past couple weeks.

Here, we’re heading down to Rayna’s house to play.  I love the way Sylvia runs…pumping her elbows with conviction!

These girls love their dress-up play.  They have fun doing it for hours!

Miss Sylvie cracks me up with her Dorothy wig!

Another day, another costume!

Here’s our home.  The porch is covered in white clematis, and the pumpkins are out!

Spooky (left) and Bowser (right) love the fall.  It makes them feel kinda crazy, which leads to occasional escape attempts and some early-morning races up and down the bed/hallway.  I’m less of a fan of the spring and fall cat-insanity periods.

Sylvia started Toddler Time at Monona Grove Nursery School last week.  Here she’s greeting her teacher for the first time.  She was soooo glad to be going back!  She’s told me that she wants to go to preschool “All by myself with no Mommy and no Daddy.”  Next year, kiddo!  This year we’re doing two mornings of Toddler Time, which is a parent-tot two-hour play time.

Here I’m using my new cutting board for the first time.  Bryan and I got a bamboo cutting board for our wedding 11 years ago.  Last week, it broke.  So I bought a new one.  It felt like a festive moment that should be captured for perpetuity.
[I’m making butternut squash soup if anyone’s interested.  mmmm]

Here, Andrew, Ranya, and a be-hatted Sylvia are playing on the front steps.

This tractor used to belong to my Uncle Kirk back when he was a kid.  My cousins and I all played with it at my grandma’s house.  I picked it up from my grandma’s storage unit a couple weeks ago.  Andrew and Sylvia love it.  I should get some video of him pulling her in the wagon!

My kids are kooks!

Kooks who love to dress up!

Hope that all made you smile!

3 Replies to “Scenes from the last couple weeks”

  1. I can totally picture Sylvia running from that picture of her elbow way back, and she looks fabulous in that Dorothy wig! I always adored playing dress-up as a kid.

  2. I’m so glad to see the tractor being used!  I think all the cousins played with it for hours at Lorraine’s house, probably long after we all fit on it.  I would love to see some pictures of the kids riding on it.

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