Zoo Run Run

On September 26, I ran my first 5K race.  I know it’s old news by now, but bear with me:)

Three friends from Bootcamp and I met up on a beautiful September morning to run a 5K together.  Julie and Natalie have been running 5Ks for a while, but this was my first race since high school.  I was nervous!  After going to bootcamp for a couple weeks, I’ve gotten pretty good at pushing my limits, and I was hoping to run a good race.  Turns out, it was great!  Such a fun morning…I can see myself getting a little addicted to doing runs like these!

Here’s me and my girls after the race:

I don’t know these girls, but I loved their costumes!  I think I’m going to have to look for some tutus like this for the 5 mile Madison Mud Run I’m planning for Halloween!

And here are my race results.  I can’t remember what my speed was when I ran cross country in high school, but I think my pace in this race is at least as fast as it was then.  Granted, I was the slowest one on the team, but even so, it’s nice to know that I can crank it up:)

After this race, I went out and bought myself some cold-weather running clothes to help motivate myself to keep running this fall and next spring.  Inertia is a powerful thing.  The inertia of the sofa has a keen draw, but I’d like to keep the pattern of once- or twice- daily exercise in my routine!

Pumpkin dominance

This summer, our back yard was taken over by squash.  Orange, globe-like gourds.  Andrew brought home a pie pumpkin seedling from preschool last fall.  Its growth (as of late August) is shown below.

09-05_10_apples_007This behemoth, on the other hand, is a jack-o-lantern variety that I brought home from the farmer’s market in June.  At the same time, I brought home a watermelon seedling and a zucchini seedling.  We got nothing from the watermelon.  The zucchini produced one respectable fruit.  But the Pumpkin?  the Pumpkin???

09-05_10_apples_004It took over the yard in three directions.  While we blithely ignored it, the monster plant produced nine good-sized pumpkins.

09-05_10_apples_005Last week, Bryan harvested most of them.  The first two were already decorating our front stoop.

We’ve given some away and still have several to share.

Now our yard is no longer a pumpkin patch.  Andrew cannot wait until it’s time to carve these bad boys.  Our pie pumpkins are still producing, and I’m hoping to get a few more oranged up before the end of the season!  Viva la pumpkin!

September means apples

I really, really, really thought I wrote a post about our apple orchard outings.  But I guess that must have been on Facebook, because I see nothing that looks like an apple post here on my blog.

Well, friends, weather or not I am losing my mind, the truth remains that it is high apple season here in Wisconsin.  Our favorite orchard is Door Creek Orchard, just to the east of Madison.  We’ve been to the orchard several times, and while I’ve avoided making tempting baked goods from their bounty, we’ve had lots of apple sauce.  And if the saying holds true, we shouldn’t be seeing a doctor for quite some time.

Here are some pictures from a couple of our outings.


The mosquitoes have been incredibly bad this late summer, and unfortunately, they were still really thick at the orchard.  We would venture in to pick and then run (sometimes screaming) into the safety of the apple barn.



Here’s Jessica and Eli with some cider to take home.


Reading apple literature to the young ones.


One book: four kids


After purchasing our apples and cider, we trooped across the highway to the sheep pens.


These sheep are a perennial favorite of the kids.  It’s a lot of fun to feed them grass!


Then the farmer came over and let the kids throw rotten apples to the sheep.  What fun!!


Hello, you happy Black Welsh Mountain Sheep!


There’s our crew!


Back to the orchard!

09-10_10_apples_115Mmmm, does that cider taste gooooood!09-10_10_apples_123

Sylv gives it a thumb’s up.


* * * *

Going back in time, here’s some pics of our trip to the orchard a week earlier.


Bryan and his kids


Andrew contemplates his apple variety taste comparison.  Or is he just two-fisting it?


My goodness, these kids can be hams.  Where did Sylvie learn how to pose like that??


Goofy grapes one and two.


Sylvie gets a boost from Dad.


A happy day at the orchard.

10-09-04_orchard_027Apple picking season is about half way through, but there’s a good month to go.  So if you haven’t gone to your local orchard yet, I recommend it!

Corn Maze!

What beautiful fall weather we’ve had these last few weeks!  This weekend, Bryan is canoeing on the Kickapoo River with some friends.  It’s awfully chilly out tonight, and I’m really hoping that he’s staying warm.  For me at home, my laptop and cat are keeping me nice and toasty.

The kids and I had a nice day today.  We bummed around the house all morning (nothing of any value was accomplished), and then we went downtown and had lunch with Terry.  He just returned home from a month-long vacation to Kentucky.  He drove something like 6,000 miles while he was gone, covering every stretch of road in the fine state…or very nearly close:)

After gorging ourselves at Flavor of India on Mifflin Street (probably our favorite place to eat!), the kids and I drove over to Bubba and Lisa’s for a little visit.  Lisa played with Sylvie, Andrew played with Michael’s iPad, Michael mowed the lawn, and I took a nap.  It was a nice break:)  After a while, we all drove over to Middleton to check out a corn maze. I haven’t wandered through a corn maze in many, many years, and it was a lot of fun!  The weather was a bit chilly, and my dear, hot-blooded girl who was wearing a skirt, her cowgirl boots, a Halloween shirt and (adamantly) no jacket, was pretty chilly.  Before beginning the maze, we had fun in the craft tent cutting and pasting and running around and around (the kids, that is).  I painted Andrew and Sylvia’s faces, and they had a lot of fun!  Photos to follow.

Here are the kids diligently cutting and pasting…



Fall is here!  The milkweeds are sending off their dancing seeds.


Happy, face-painted kids.  They sure do love each other.


Here we are trying to answer some Halloween-related trivia.  When he got an answer right, Andrew would leap about, proclaiming, “I’m a genius!”


There’s my little Sylv.  She’s a delight, that girl!


Which way now??


It was Andrew’s first corn maze.  I think he had a great time!

10-02_10_corn_maze_028The proceeds from this corn maze go to the Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund.  It’s located on the far west side in the Old Sauk Trails Park.  I recommend it for an active fall outing!

Toddler playdate

A couple weeks ago, we met some friends at a park for a play date.  Sylvia hadn’t seen these girls in a few months, and it was so fun to watch them all playing.  My how much they’ve grown!   I grabbed Deb’s camera and went to town taking pictures of the two-year-old cuteness.


09-21_10_ToddlerTime_010We know these girls through Toddler Time at Monona Grove Nursery School, and it’s really neat to see how much they’ve all grown over the last year.  When she started Toddler Time last year, Sylvie was 19 months old…not talking much and still quite baby-like.  Now she’s much more like a preschooler, and it was so much fun to see the girls playing together!








Photo Gallery at Happy Bambino

One of my very favorite stores in Madison is Happy Bambino.  Part beautiful pregnancy and baby store, part parental resource center, Happy Bambino was a cornerstone of my early motherhood experience.   When Andrew was a newborn, I attended a weekly mom’s group at Happy Bambino; and it was in that cozy sunlit room, surrounded by a dozen other nursing mamas, that I got my parenting sea legs.  I met mamas in that group who have become dear friends, and there’s a group of about 12 of us who still keep in touch.  How special it is to know a crew of now-five-year-olds and to remember so clearly what they were like as newborns.  Early parenthood can be a scary and exhilarating time of charting unknown waters.  I’m so thankful that Alison and Lea founded Happy Bambino and that it’s available as a resource to Madison moms.

I’m excited to share that I have an exhibit of my photography hanging in the classroom at Happy Bambino this fall.  It was so fun (and challenging!) to pick a dozen images to enlarge and frame and hang.  If you’re in town, stop by 4116 Monona Drive and head back to the green classroom to check it out!

I’ve scheduled a family-friendly opening fete on Saturday, October 9 from 11-1pm.  There’ll be food and games, so drop on by!  Hope to see you then!

Andrew’s back at school

I’m really glad that we elected to have Andrew’s umbilical hernia surgery done when he was five.  He’s done so well, and he’s bounced back so fast!  By dinner time on Wednesday, he was hungry and eating and talking like normal.  Our sweet neighbors brought by a stuffed frog for Andrew, and after dinner, he walked over to their house to thank them.  Then (surprising me!), he went into the garage and got his tractor which he pedaled up and down the driveway.

On Thursday (that’s yesterday), Andrew, Sylv, and I took it easy.  We watched shows, played cards, read books, and stayed in jammies until the early afternoon.  Andrew was subdued, somewhat cranky, and maybe at about 40% of his normal exuberant self, but he was getting better and better.  And despite feeling kinda crummy really, he hasn’t seemed to be in any pain, which is great.  (He looks sooo sad in this picture, though!)

After having sibling-relationships break down numerous times, I decided that we could all use some time out of the house.  So we went to Door Creek Orchard and met up with Jessica, Eli, and Celia to pick some apples and to get some delicious cider.

The mosquitoes are still really intense at the orchard (soo glad I didn’t schedule an orchard mini-session this month!).  So we wandered through the trees for a little bit before beating a hasty retreat to the orchard barn where we gathered some pre-picked apples and a gallon of delicious cider.  Both boys had attempted to climb the apple trees.  Another indication that Mr. Andrew is feeling pretty agile.

I’m hoping that Andrew’s winning smile makes more of an appearance as time passes.  He woke up this morning feeling good, and he’s been off at school all day…hopefully doing alright!

Sylvia and I have had a really nice day together.  As much as she loves Andrew, she does so well when he’s not around.  She and I went to MamaTone to workout this morning (I worked out, she played!), and then we’ve just snuggled and laughed and watched shows together on this somewhat chilly fall day.

Almost time now to pick up my boy from school.  I hope it went well!

Back home, and the patient is doing well

Andrew’s in a much better emotional place than he was a few hours ago.  We got home around 2:30.  It helped so much that the nurse let him have the time he needed to snuggle with his dad and wake up more and finish his movie.  He got dressed and got to ride a wheelchair down to the car. Nurse Lisa, you were great!

Once we got back home, Andrew spent an hour or so in bed while we read him Where the Sidewalk Ends.

Then, after eating some animal crackers and having a little Tylenol, he decided he wanted to come out to the kitchen for some more food (he hadn’t eaten since the previous night).  After munching a hardboiled egg, he walked himself back to his room.  He was quite proud!

After a normal doctor’s visit, Andrew gets a sticker, and Nurse Lisa gave him 10 stickers as we left today.


Onto recovery

Andrew is snuggled up to his dad on his hospital bed, watching The Incredibles on a portable DVD player after his umbilical hernia surgery.  I’ve come to discover that a movie can have the power of a tranquilizer for a five-year-old.

Andrew got pretty agitated as he woke from surgery.  He really wanted the IV out, the incision bandage removed, and to leave the hospital NOW. But he couldn’t talk very clearly, so it was all just a lot of thrashing and unhappiness.  … Until his smart nurse suggested a movie.  That and his daddy’s strong arms and stabilizing presence calmed the boy down.  When we left the recovery area, Bryan got to ride on the bed, all snuggled up with our little boy.

I’ve got to say, I am so impressed with how lovely this hospital is and how wonderfully they have their systems down.  They are really set up to make things run smoothly for kids and their families.

After Andrew had stabilized a bit in recovery, we came back to our room, where Andrew and Bryan have continued to snuggle and watch their show.  Andrew had his IV taken out a few minutes ago, and I think it’s fair to say that that wasn’t a good experience.  Due perhaps to the extreme agitation he experienced during the IV removal, our boy threw up a few minutes ago.  But I don’t think he stopped watching the show.

We should be heading home before to long, armed with some Tylenol with codeine.  Our little guy is pretty subdued, so I think we’ll have a quiet afternoon.

Andrew’s in surgery

I’m writing to you from the lovely UW Children’s Hospital.  Andrew has been in surgery for the last 45 minutes, so I’m expecting to hear from his doctors at any moment.  He’s been doing great today!

Here are some photos and video (if it works!).

Here we are heading in at 8:30…  The little guy has his backpack filled with card games, books, and one of his sweethearts.

Checking in…he’s nervous but excited too.

Andrew got in several games of Xactica with me and Bryan between visits with nurses, surgeons, and anesthesiologists.

Here’s Andrew with his nurse Lisa.

Here’s a video of him playing patient in bed.

They gave him a sedative, and he got pretty dopey in the moments before surgery!

Here’s a video of him getting sleepy (he wasn’t really asleep at the end!)

Here’s the doctor getting ready to take him back.

And here’s a video of him taking off with Bryan for the OR.