Andrew’s in surgery

I’m writing to you from the lovely UW Children’s Hospital.  Andrew has been in surgery for the last 45 minutes, so I’m expecting to hear from his doctors at any moment.  He’s been doing great today!

Here are some photos and video (if it works!).

Here we are heading in at 8:30…  The little guy has his backpack filled with card games, books, and one of his sweethearts.

Checking in…he’s nervous but excited too.

Andrew got in several games of Xactica with me and Bryan between visits with nurses, surgeons, and anesthesiologists.

Here’s Andrew with his nurse Lisa.

Here’s a video of him playing patient in bed.

They gave him a sedative, and he got pretty dopey in the moments before surgery!

Here’s a video of him getting sleepy (he wasn’t really asleep at the end!)

Here’s the doctor getting ready to take him back.

And here’s a video of him taking off with Bryan for the OR.

2 Replies to “Andrew’s in surgery”

  1. I feel for you! Adam had surgery at two weeks for a hernia, and then at five years old. It is so very hard. Glad to hear patient is well!

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