Zoo Run Run

On September 26, I ran my first 5K race.  I know it’s old news by now, but bear with me:)

Three friends from Bootcamp and I met up on a beautiful September morning to run a 5K together.  Julie and Natalie have been running 5Ks for a while, but this was my first race since high school.  I was nervous!  After going to bootcamp for a couple weeks, I’ve gotten pretty good at pushing my limits, and I was hoping to run a good race.  Turns out, it was great!  Such a fun morning…I can see myself getting a little addicted to doing runs like these!

Here’s me and my girls after the race:

I don’t know these girls, but I loved their costumes!  I think I’m going to have to look for some tutus like this for the 5 mile Madison Mud Run I’m planning for Halloween!

And here are my race results.  I can’t remember what my speed was when I ran cross country in high school, but I think my pace in this race is at least as fast as it was then.  Granted, I was the slowest one on the team, but even so, it’s nice to know that I can crank it up:)

After this race, I went out and bought myself some cold-weather running clothes to help motivate myself to keep running this fall and next spring.  Inertia is a powerful thing.  The inertia of the sofa has a keen draw, but I’d like to keep the pattern of once- or twice- daily exercise in my routine!

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