Back home, and the patient is doing well

Andrew’s in a much better emotional place than he was a few hours ago.  We got home around 2:30.  It helped so much that the nurse let him have the time he needed to snuggle with his dad and wake up more and finish his movie.  He got dressed and got to ride a wheelchair down to the car. Nurse Lisa, you were great!

Once we got back home, Andrew spent an hour or so in bed while we read him Where the Sidewalk Ends.

Then, after eating some animal crackers and having a little Tylenol, he decided he wanted to come out to the kitchen for some more food (he hadn’t eaten since the previous night).  After munching a hardboiled egg, he walked himself back to his room.  He was quite proud!

After a normal doctor’s visit, Andrew gets a sticker, and Nurse Lisa gave him 10 stickers as we left today.


6 Replies to “Back home, and the patient is doing well”

  1. Hey, our guy had that exact shirt when he was younger! It now awaits the little one getting one size larger.

    1. I love this shirt!  And this season, I cannot for the life of me find any sweet or cute boys shirts in size 5 or 6.  They’re all sports themed or have monsters or trucks or EXTREME stuff on them.  Blah.  Where are the trains and animals?  Teddy bears anyone??

  2. Poor little guy– I can’t help but look at the photos from after surgery and think that it’s so unusual to see Andrew looking like he really doesn’t feel good at all.  Lucky for him and his parents that he’s normally feeling healthy and fine!  Recovering and not feeling well is kind of a new thing for him.  I’ll bet he will feel much better after a good night’s rest!

    1. I know!  His little face looks so tired and sad.  On Friday, he was running up and down the street (although sheltering his tummy a little while he did so).  He’s recuperating fast:)

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