Pumpkin dominance

This summer, our back yard was taken over by squash.  Orange, globe-like gourds.  Andrew brought home a pie pumpkin seedling from preschool last fall.  Its growth (as of late August) is shown below.

09-05_10_apples_007This behemoth, on the other hand, is a jack-o-lantern variety that I brought home from the farmer’s market in June.  At the same time, I brought home a watermelon seedling and a zucchini seedling.  We got nothing from the watermelon.  The zucchini produced one respectable fruit.  But the Pumpkin?  the Pumpkin???

09-05_10_apples_004It took over the yard in three directions.  While we blithely ignored it, the monster plant produced nine good-sized pumpkins.

09-05_10_apples_005Last week, Bryan harvested most of them.  The first two were already decorating our front stoop.

We’ve given some away and still have several to share.

Now our yard is no longer a pumpkin patch.  Andrew cannot wait until it’s time to carve these bad boys.  Our pie pumpkins are still producing, and I’m hoping to get a few more oranged up before the end of the season!  Viva la pumpkin!

6 Replies to “Pumpkin dominance”

  1. I said to Tom when I first saw them 'Oh…Althea and the kids must've gone to the pumpkin patch today'….then,​ when there was a few more, I'd say 'Oh…they must've gone again!……lit​tle did I know.

  2. I can’t think of growing pumpkins without thinking of the book Farmer Boy from the Little House on the Prairie series. Almonzo grew a prize-winning pumpkin by feeding it milk through a slit in the stalk with a candle wick and bowl.

  3. Those pumpkins in your front yard are from your back yard? Cool! They are beautiful!

  4. I said to Tom when I first saw them 'Oh…Althea and the kids must've gone to the pumpkin patch today'….then, when there was a few more, I'd say 'Oh…they must've gone again!……little did I know.

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