September means apples

I really, really, really thought I wrote a post about our apple orchard outings.  But I guess that must have been on Facebook, because I see nothing that looks like an apple post here on my blog.

Well, friends, weather or not I am losing my mind, the truth remains that it is high apple season here in Wisconsin.  Our favorite orchard is Door Creek Orchard, just to the east of Madison.  We’ve been to the orchard several times, and while I’ve avoided making tempting baked goods from their bounty, we’ve had lots of apple sauce.  And if the saying holds true, we shouldn’t be seeing a doctor for quite some time.

Here are some pictures from a couple of our outings.


The mosquitoes have been incredibly bad this late summer, and unfortunately, they were still really thick at the orchard.  We would venture in to pick and then run (sometimes screaming) into the safety of the apple barn.



Here’s Jessica and Eli with some cider to take home.


Reading apple literature to the young ones.


One book: four kids


After purchasing our apples and cider, we trooped across the highway to the sheep pens.


These sheep are a perennial favorite of the kids.  It’s a lot of fun to feed them grass!


Then the farmer came over and let the kids throw rotten apples to the sheep.  What fun!!


Hello, you happy Black Welsh Mountain Sheep!


There’s our crew!


Back to the orchard!

09-10_10_apples_115Mmmm, does that cider taste gooooood!09-10_10_apples_123

Sylv gives it a thumb’s up.


* * * *

Going back in time, here’s some pics of our trip to the orchard a week earlier.


Bryan and his kids


Andrew contemplates his apple variety taste comparison.  Or is he just two-fisting it?


My goodness, these kids can be hams.  Where did Sylvie learn how to pose like that??


Goofy grapes one and two.


Sylvie gets a boost from Dad.


A happy day at the orchard.

10-09-04_orchard_027Apple picking season is about half way through, but there’s a good month to go.  So if you haven’t gone to your local orchard yet, I recommend it!

3 Replies to “September means apples”

  1. You wrote about going to the orchard with Jessica in a post about Andrew and his surgery.  Maybe that’s what you’re thinking of?

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