Preschool ’09-’10

I just got a packet of information in the mail from Monona Grove Nursery School.  Andrew is signed up for class on MTW in the mornings from 8:45-11:45.  And his teachers…drum roll please…are Gail & Debbie.  I met them both the other night, and they seem like really sweet people.

Sylvia is also signed up for a class at Monona Grove Nursery School this fall.  They have something called Toddler Time, and she’s signed up for the Tuesday class.  I attend along with her, and the sessions run two hours.  Starting this summer, Sylvie is going to daycare at Donna’s house on Wednesday mornings.  She’s loving it there, and it’s been a really nice thing in my life to have some separation during the week!  Sylvie just loves groups, and she blooms when we’re in class.  She loved Music Together, and I’m considering signing her up for another session this fall.

What fun these little kids are!

Strawberrrrry Jam

Mmmmmmm.  Did you know that jam can require four cups of sugar for every two cups of mashed strawberries?  I was a little shocked.  But the results…  Mmmmm the results.  Excuse me, I think some spilled on the kitchen counter and needs to be cleaned, er,  licked up.

Summer night at APT

Summer has officially started in my world.  Last night, Bryan and I went to a play at American Players Theater.  It felt so nice to be back in Spring Green, seeing the familiar picnic tables, having a lovely dinner outside, hiking up the hill to the theater.  I have plans to attend quite a few plays at APT this summer.  It’s always been one of the highlights of summer in Wisconsin.

We saw the opening night of Comedy of Errors, and it made us laugh and laugh.  I take Bryan’s mom and sister out to APT in a couple weeks, and the week after that, I’m taking Grace and Tim!  (Oh, by the way, Grace, I got us tickets to a play.)   Today was hot enough for Andrew to play on his Slip n’ Side.  Hello summer!

Photo session bliss

I am just back home after running around and doing a smile-enducing photo session with Jessica and Mitch and family.  I really want to download the images right now, but I’ve got about an hour to work on my business website, and I will not be distracted!  Last night I met Andrew’s pal Minna at Tenney Park, and we did a lovely photo session while she and her moms climbed on the rocks, played on the playground, and were all silly and fun together. What a great family!

I think my favorite part of this whole photography business is that I get invited to see and capture the interactions and the personalities that make each family unique.  My heart fills up each time I’m able to connect with someone and gain their trust so they open up and share a bit of themselves with me and my camera.  Oh, and I love love love looking through images from a photo session and finding those gems.  Maybe the child is gazing off with a contemplative look or the whole family is rolling around during a rockus tickle session.  Examples from my profile are on Flickr.  This is so much fun!!

I’ve got an opening next Wednesday evening (June 17) if anyone out there wants to have photos taken this month, that’s a good option!

First x-ray

We had a bit of undesired excitement this morning.  As Bryan and I were having breakfast and coffee, Andrew and Sylvie were (I thought) playing in Andrew’s room.  Sylvie’s ear-splitting shriek brought me running down the hall where I discovered her finger was closed in the hinge-side of Andrew’s bedroom door.  I opened the door to release her bleeding, dented, munched index finger.  ohhh dear.

Ouchy finger

Bryan called the doctor’s office while I cleaned and comforted the little miss.  She calmed down after a few minutes and would touch her index fingers together (the sign for “hurt”) and then she’d point concernedly at her left finger.  Her finger had a big, purple dent, and the knuckle was kind of off to the side.  After about an hour (when we were at Urgent Care), it had returned to a normal shape but was very swollen.  My poor, sweet little girl.

Continue reading “First x-ray”

I’m giddy about getting to work!

Jessica watched my children all morning, and I got to have some blessedly uninterrupted time to work on my photography business website. I was having so much fun I was nearly trembling.
I’ve decided to get started by creating a website that functions but isn’t super special and upgrade to something flashier if I’m profitable.
I’ve also taken steps toward being able to accept credit card payments, and I set up a Quickbooks (accounting) profile.
YAY!!! I’ve gotten a Wisconsin seller’s permit, and I have a several photo sessions scheduled for the next week. I think I’m almost in business!

Camp out!

Andrew’s been camping in his room for the last several weeks.  His preschool had a camping unit, and the tent they pitched in the classroom was a huge hit with the kids.  I thought it would be fun for Andrew to get some practice camping at home, so we put up my tent in his room.  He alternates between it and his bed.  It’s cute to hear him unzip it at night when he gets up to use the bathroom!

Last night, we moved his tent out to our back yard.  My suggestion was that he and I have a camp-out in the back yard together, but he decided that he wanted to camp on his own.  So last night after his bath and story, Bryan walked him out to the back yard and tucked him in to the tent.  We set up a baby monitor so we could keep an ear on him.

He did great!  He slept straight through the night and crawled into bed with me at 5:30 (it’s pretty light and the birds are pretty chirpy abou then).  What a cute kid!  He’s got lots of plans for future camp-outs.  If you want to join us, let me know!

Althea Dotzour Photography is up and running

I’ve done a handful of photo sessions in the last week.  My goal was partly to enlarge my portfolio, but it was also to make sure that I would enjoy doing photo sessions as a business.  I can safely say that I’m loving it!


I’m going be creating a business website in the next couple weeks.  In the meantime, my portfolio is here.  After this weekend, I’ll be ready to start taking clients!  If you’d like to book an early photo session, drop me a note at!  My prices are going to start low, so booking a session in June or July will be your best deal.  Also, if you know anyone who might like a portrait session, please pass along my info to them.  Thanks!

Here’s some of my favorite images from the last couple weeks.


Continue reading “Althea Dotzour Photography is up and running”

Happy tree

The maple tree in our front yard is bedecked with ropes. There’s Andrew’s rope swing, Andrew’s climbing rope, and now Sylvia’s baby swing. Makes me smile to look at all the white strings dangling down from the tree’s limbs.
I was wondering whether the tree might feel sloppy and encumbered or whether it’s the envy of the other neighborhood trees. I think it’s probably happy to be loved.
I, for one, am loving this weather that allows us to spend so many hours playing out in the yard!

Birthday cake considerations

As we were eating breakfast this morning, I asked Andrew what kind of theme he thought he’d like for his birthday party. His birthday is coming up on June 22 (party on the 27th)…as he tells anyone we meet.
Andrew thought that since his party is going to be at a beach that maybe he’d like a purple triangle cake and have sand toys, and “that would be good!”
I said that would be fine, but I’d been thinking of things he likes a lot, and maybe he would like a cake made like something he likes. “For example,” I said, “you really like animals. And you love dinosaurs. We could make you a cake shaped like a dinosaur. Or then there’s Godzilla…” “YES!” shouted Andrew. “Godzilla and Godzilla’s son Manilla and three-head and some trees that they eat on.”
(By the way, Andrew’s sitting on my lap as I type, and he was able to read most of that last sentence!)
I’m going to delegate, enlist, and in other ways ask Granny to make Andrew’s vision come to cake.
“Yup, that’ll be good!” said Andrew.