Preschool ’09-’10

I just got a packet of information in the mail from Monona Grove Nursery School.  Andrew is signed up for class on MTW in the mornings from 8:45-11:45.  And his teachers…drum roll please…are Gail & Debbie.  I met them both the other night, and they seem like really sweet people.

Sylvia is also signed up for a class at Monona Grove Nursery School this fall.  They have something called Toddler Time, and she’s signed up for the Tuesday class.  I attend along with her, and the sessions run two hours.  Starting this summer, Sylvie is going to daycare at Donna’s house on Wednesday mornings.  She’s loving it there, and it’s been a really nice thing in my life to have some separation during the week!  Sylvie just loves groups, and she blooms when we’re in class.  She loved Music Together, and I’m considering signing her up for another session this fall.

What fun these little kids are!