First x-ray

We had a bit of undesired excitement this morning.  As Bryan and I were having breakfast and coffee, Andrew and Sylvie were (I thought) playing in Andrew’s room.  Sylvie’s ear-splitting shriek brought me running down the hall where I discovered her finger was closed in the hinge-side of Andrew’s bedroom door.  I opened the door to release her bleeding, dented, munched index finger.  ohhh dear.

Ouchy finger

Bryan called the doctor’s office while I cleaned and comforted the little miss.  She calmed down after a few minutes and would touch her index fingers together (the sign for “hurt”) and then she’d point concernedly at her left finger.  Her finger had a big, purple dent, and the knuckle was kind of off to the side.  After about an hour (when we were at Urgent Care), it had returned to a normal shape but was very swollen.  My poor, sweet little girl.

She was a smiling, laughing champ at the doctor’s office.  We looked at the fish, she made friends with all the other patients, and when she got her x-rays, she sat on my lap and held perfectly still, charming the pants off the x-ray technicians.  In fact, they said she was the best little person they’d had.

Right now, Sylvia is saying, “Whoooooooo!!!  Whoooooo!”  She’s liking owls a lot these days. Just like little Evelyn:)

By the time we were back in the exam room to hear the results of the x-rays, Sylvia had started using her left finger to pick up bits of cereal.  Her finger was still large, but the swelling had gone down.  The doctor said that she didn’t see any sign of a break.  She said that kid’s bones are still developing and are quite flexible compared to adult bones.  Therefore they can get kinda munched (say in a door!) and not break.  aack

The doctor tried splinting Sylvie’s index and middle fingers together, but she pulled it off right away.  A radiologist is going to look at her x-rays this afternoon, and we’ll hear from them to confirm that there’s nothing the doctor and x-ray techs missed.

So now I’m pulling my shaky mama heart back together, wrapping up my litney of appologies to Sylvie, reminding myself that accients happen, and being thankful that things turned out as well as they did.  Hopefully Andrew learned a good lesson about the dangers of doors.  I’ve been reminded what a trooper Sylvie can be.

Hopefully we can put this craziness behind us and move forward to enjoy a fun day!

42 Replies to “First x-ray”

  1. Sorry you had to go through that! Stella fell headfirst off a bench the other day, so I feel your pain. There's nothing worse than seeing your baby hurt! Stella also is loving owls right now!

  2. Sylvie seems to have bounced back nicely from her finger smunching incident. She took a good nap, had a big lunch of Indian food (the girl loves palak paneer), and all seems to be feeling well. The doctor called and said that the radiologist didn't find anything untoward on the x-rays, so we'll all move on. At some point my insides will stop trembling…

  3. Oh poor Sylvia, but poor M&D as well! I know that shakey, shocky feeling..its so scary. So glad it wasn't worse. Kiss that lil' swollen finger for me. And a hug to Andrew as well!

  4. Sylvie seems to have bounced back nicely from her finger smunching incident. She took a good nap, had a big lunch of Indian food (the girl loves palak paneer), and all seems to be feeling well. The doctor called and said that the radiologist didn't find anything untoward on the x-rays, so we'll all move on. At some point my insides will stop trembling…

  5. Sorry you had to go through that! Stella fell headfirst off a bench the other day, so I feel your pain. There's nothing worse than seeing your baby hurt! Stella also is loving owls right now!

  6. Sorry you had to go through that! Stella fell headfirst off a bench the other day, so I feel your pain. There's nothing worse than seeing your baby hurt! Stella also is loving owls right now!

  7. Sylvie seems to have bounced back nicely from her finger smunching incident. She took a good nap, had a big lunch of Indian food (the girl loves palak paneer), and all seems to be feeling well. The doctor called and said that the radiologist didn't find anything untoward on the x-rays, so we'll all move on. At some point my insides will stop trembling…

  8. Oh poor Sylvia, but poor M&D as well! I know that shakey, shocky feeling..its so scary. So glad it wasn't worse. Kiss that lil' swollen finger for me. And a hug to Andrew as well!

  9. Sylvie seems to have bounced back nicely from her finger smunching incident. She took a good nap, had a big lunch of Indian food (the girl loves palak paneer), and all seems to be feeling well. The doctor called and said that the radiologist didn’t find anything untoward on the x-rays, so we’ll all move on. At some point my insides will stop trembling…

  10. oh dear, Althea, for your trembling insides! i’m (and we’re) so very grateful that sylvie’s little (though apparently rubber!) finger is a-okay. so glad…
    hugs all around, jessica

  11. As an 8 or 9 year old, I got my fingers caught in our apartment door…which was locked….with the keys inside. My mother frantically called the building maintenance staff and tried to explain that her key was inside. “Mikey?” replied the staff person, “who is Mikey?”

    I remember sitting in school with a big bag of ice on my hand all day.

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