Birthday cake considerations

As we were eating breakfast this morning, I asked Andrew what kind of theme he thought he’d like for his birthday party. His birthday is coming up on June 22 (party on the 27th)…as he tells anyone we meet.
Andrew thought that since his party is going to be at a beach that maybe he’d like a purple triangle cake and have sand toys, and “that would be good!”
I said that would be fine, but I’d been thinking of things he likes a lot, and maybe he would like a cake made like something he likes. “For example,” I said, “you really like animals. And you love dinosaurs. We could make you a cake shaped like a dinosaur. Or then there’s Godzilla…” “YES!” shouted Andrew. “Godzilla and Godzilla’s son Manilla and three-head and some trees that they eat on.”
(By the way, Andrew’s sitting on my lap as I type, and he was able to read most of that last sentence!)
I’m going to delegate, enlist, and in other ways ask Granny to make Andrew’s vision come to cake.
“Yup, that’ll be good!” said Andrew.

2 Replies to “Birthday cake considerations”

  1. Go Granny Lu, go. If anyone can make a vision come to life, she (you, Granny Lu) can!
    xo Jessica

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