Camp out!

Andrew’s been camping in his room for the last several weeks.  His preschool had a camping unit, and the tent they pitched in the classroom was a huge hit with the kids.  I thought it would be fun for Andrew to get some practice camping at home, so we put up my tent in his room.  He alternates between it and his bed.  It’s cute to hear him unzip it at night when he gets up to use the bathroom!

Last night, we moved his tent out to our back yard.  My suggestion was that he and I have a camp-out in the back yard together, but he decided that he wanted to camp on his own.  So last night after his bath and story, Bryan walked him out to the back yard and tucked him in to the tent.  We set up a baby monitor so we could keep an ear on him.

He did great!  He slept straight through the night and crawled into bed with me at 5:30 (it’s pretty light and the birds are pretty chirpy abou then).  What a cute kid!  He’s got lots of plans for future camp-outs.  If you want to join us, let me know!

4 Replies to “Camp out!”

  1. We’d love to join you!!
    My boy and I could come and pitch our tent next to yours…..
    Brave/sweet/adventurous Andrew!

  2. Hey Jessica,

    We have free evenings this weekend on Friday night and Sunday night if you’re interested!

    Grace, we have you down for July 1-5. Beds (or at least a pull-out sofa) are also available:)

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