Singing songs on St. Patrick’s Day

I hope you’re enjoying a lovely start to your St. Patrick’s Day!  We have a pot of daffodils on our kitchen table, and they sure add a splash of sunny color to our kitchen.  Andrew has been doing some fun-sounding St. Patrick’s Day activities at school all week.  This morning, he sang me De Colores, and I loved it so much that I bribed him to sing it again for the camera.  When I downloaded it to the computer, I also found a video of Sylvia from sometime last summer.

So as your St. Patrick’s Day treats for today, here are some videos of the kiddos.  Enjoy, and spread the cheer!


Favorite parts of the day

I transcribed this from a voice memo I made on my phone on January 5.  I thought about attaching the audio file, but when I hear my recorded voice I kinda want to yell and run the other direction, so I thought I’d stick with the written word.

Favorite moment of the day part 1.

I’m standing in front of Andrew’s school, looking off, when suddenly he runs at me and before I know it, his five-year-old arms are wrapped around my waist.  I look down, and his snowsuit covered head is pressed tight against my tummy.  So I put both hands on either side of his cheeks and tilt his head back so I can see him.

His eyes are sparkling and glinting, and he has a cute smile spreading between my hands.  I bend down and kiss his forehead.  I don’t think that much could be sweeter.

Favorite moment of the day part 2.

I come-to in the darkness of my bedroom, warm in my flannel sheets; and I feel pressed against my back a tiny body, her arm, reaching over my shoulder.  She’s awake, and she can tell I’m waking up too.  She snuggles her head into the back of my neck.

I take a few breaths, enjoying being together.  Then I roll over and hug her.  Her little two-year-old body can fit just inside my arms.

“Good morning, Sweetie,” I say. “I’m so happy to see you.”

She says, “Mommy, you’re my best friend in the whole world.”

Hard to imagine a nicer way to wake up.

Sibling love

This is a two-part post about the Andrew/Sylvia relationship as I saw it this morning:

Part I – The good

Andrew and Sylvia are so cute together!  They wake up and rush for their vitamins.  They dole them out for each other, and then they leap about exclaiming in mutual glee what they want for breakfast.  Sylvia carefully watches Andrew and mimics his expressions and his moves. Except when he’s mimicking her.  After breakfast this morning, they crawled into Andrew’s bed.  She snuggled down under the comforter next to him, and he read her a couple chapters of Frog and Toad.  I leaned on the door frame and took in the beauty and comfort of their relationship.  The way Sylvia adores Andrew.  The joy he gets from her company.  It’s such a wonder and a gift that they have each other.

Part II – The not-so-good

Moments after stumbling out of bed and greeting each other, the conflict begins.  Sylvia wants a purple spoon with her breakfast.  One of the COVETED purple spoons.  Andrew says that both the purple spoons should stay in the drawer until they can use them together (he already has an orange spoon).  Sylv persists.  Andrew holds the silverware drawer closed with his body.  Sylvia pulls hard on to open it.  Voices are raised.  Sylvia shrieks.  The kids have been awake for about 4 minutes, and I’m threatening to get rid of both purple spoons if there is any more conflict over the stupid purple spoons.  Andrew demures.  Sylvia gets the purple spoon <Note to self: Andrew gets the purple spoon next.>
The kids sit down at breakfast and begin laughing and giggling about a thumbs up/thumbs down game they’re playing.  Suddenly, they’re not on the same page.  Andrew’s giving something a thumbs down.  Sylvie isn’t happy.  Andrew begins frowning, grunting, and saying, “No.  NO. NO!”  Sylvia starts to yell something.  “Yes!!!”  “NOOOO!”  “YESSSSS!!!!”  Just when I’m about to end breakfast and have them take turns eating since they obviously can’t seem to do it together, they work it out, and it’s on to the next thing.


Is it any wonder that I sometimes feel a little dizzy?


Autumn outings

October slipped by.  Our tree in our front yard turned the most amazing golden color this year.  When the sun shone through the leaves, I was mesmerized.  I don’t think that there could be a more beautiful site.  The kids liked it too, and I made up a story for them about how Bryan and I take our extra money and make it into gold and store it in the tree just so that for a few glorious days in the fall we can see what happens when leaves turn into papery thin pieces of gold.

Below, you’ll see some pictures of some late-October outings we took.

This is a pile of nuts that Sylvia found and stuffed into my pockets while we went for a walk:

Silly girl on the trail.

And there’s Andrew back when he had curls…

The kids and I were hiking at Kagonza State Park.  We’d gone the night before to attend a night-time walk with the trail lit by jack-o-lanterns.  However as we were walking in, Andrew (who was running) tripped and scraped up his elbow.  It was game over, and we all piled back into the car and headed home.  So the next morning, I thought we’d try again.

Sylvia’s red mark on her nose is from where she fell down the front porch steps and landed on her face.  No permanent damage done.

Andrew pretends to chop down a sapling.  Note that Sylvie has Poodle stuffed down her pants:)

Here’s a different day…our last outing to the apple orchard.

Sylvia wore swim suits every day all summer.  As the weather turned cold, she still wore them but added warmer items like a hat and mittens.  Then she started wearing clothes on top of the swimming suits.  When Bryan packed all the suits up and put them in the basement a few weeks ago, there amazingly wasn’t a whisper of complaint!

Sorry this picture is rotated funny.  Here it is corrected.   I love when the two of them are sitting together on the front step, enjoying each other’s company.  Plus, just look at Andrew’s curls!

Some painting…

Alivia lost her first tooth!

Enjoying some Culver’s left-overs

Here we’re taking a trip to Schuster’s Playtime Farm near Cambridge with Jessica and Celia.

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Two girls enjoying the fences.  Sylvia is so non-phased by large livestock that (as her mother) it’s almost disturbing.


Hello, chicken!

10-05-10_Schuester'sFarm_034Bye bye October!

Hair cuts!

A couple weeks ago, Andrew and Sylvia turned a quiet afternoon into a self-hair cutting extravaganza.

It was after school on a wet day, and Andrew and Sylvia wanted to watch a show.  I had some photography phone calls to make, so I agreed.  They also wanted to do some art projects, so I helped them get paper and crayons and paper.  And then I sat down at the kitchen table to work and make calls.

Andrew came in a couple times to get snacks.

And then I didn’t see them for a while.

The quiet had a funny sound to it, so I went into the living room to check on them.

And then I screamed.

I slapped my hands to either side of my face as if I was trying to hold my head together.

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Lying on the floor was about four cups of Andrew’s curls.  And both Andrew and Sylvia had their scissors up to their heads and were looking at me wide-eyed in mid-cut.

Sylvia dropped her scissors from her trimming and clapped her hands over her ears.

I kept my hands holding my head together as I surveyed the scene, muttering something like, “Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, whatwereyouTHINKING???  OK OK OK OK Ok ok ok ok WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?!?”

Sylvia is looking at me with shock and alarm, and Andrew is looking at me, with his very shorn head, with confidence and righteousness.  No contriteness there.

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I considered making him go around for a few days with the haircut he gave himself, but knowing him, he would think that was great.  And even if the kids at school thought he looked funny, he probably wouldn’t care.  And then perhaps I’d be stuck with him wearing this ridiculous mullet-type cut.  So I sadly sat him down and finished the job.

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Here he is a few days later. 10-28-10_EliandAnderwplaying_099

Really, there’s nothing wrong with his short cut.  It’s just a short boy cut.  But oh, his curls!  And the humanity of it all!

I told him that in the future if he wants his hair cut, HE NEEDS TO ASK FIRST.  I’m curious when and if we’ll see his lovely curls again.

Sylvia’s cut was less dramatic, so for the first day or so afterward, I didn’t even really notice it.  But then I realized that all her curls on the right side of her head had been lopped off.  She didn’t shear it off close to the scalp (thank heavens), but she’s got a whole area of her head with hair about an inch long.



For a little pop-culture reference, Sylvia’s ‘do actually reminds me a little of Rhiana…

She’s oh, so trendy!

Oh well.  It’s just hair and it grows back.  And now that the trauma is in the past, I’ve mostly recovered.

And the scissors?  They’ve been removed from circulation!

First Halloween Party

On Sunday, Andrew and Sylvia and I attended a Halloween bash at a preschool friend’s home.  It was so much fun!  They went totally overboard with the decorations and activities and costumes.  A wizard came and gave a show to a rapt audience.  And the kids and I ate a truly exceptional quantity of cupcakes, jello, cookies, candies, cheese puffs, and other delectables.

Here’s the entrance to their back yard…

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The family graveyard…

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Moments after arriving, the kids consume (the frosting only) of cupcake #1.

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Here’s Andrew’s friend Olivia from preschool.  She’s a cute purple kitty.

10-17-10_Izzy's party_019 Andrew the giraffe (circa 2008) with preschool friends Jeffrey and Roan.

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Here’s Sylvia hunting for some lollipop ghosts.  The scab on her nose is from a dive she took off the front steps (onto concrete) a week ago).

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During the magic show, I had fun photographing the crowd.

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What great costumes!

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10-17-10_Izzy's party_055Since the firefly costumes aren’t done (started) yet, the kids got to pick from our large array of costumes.  Andrew picked the giraffe, and Sylvia picked first the lion and then the blue bunny and finally the pink tutu that I’m going to wear on the Mud Run on Halloween.  For her, every day is dress up day.

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The kids loved the show!  There’s Olivia again with her little pink pumpkin sister Haley.10-17-10_Izzy's party_056

YUM.  Cheese puffs.  My kids didn’t realize that the world held such flavors:)

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There’s the vets, Mike and Laura with the purple kitty Olivia and the pink pumpkin Haley.

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The weather was perfect…warm and clear.  But as night fell, the fire sure felt nice!

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What great decorations and what a great party!  Thanks guys, for a great evening!!

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Andrew’s back at school

I’m really glad that we elected to have Andrew’s umbilical hernia surgery done when he was five.  He’s done so well, and he’s bounced back so fast!  By dinner time on Wednesday, he was hungry and eating and talking like normal.  Our sweet neighbors brought by a stuffed frog for Andrew, and after dinner, he walked over to their house to thank them.  Then (surprising me!), he went into the garage and got his tractor which he pedaled up and down the driveway.

On Thursday (that’s yesterday), Andrew, Sylv, and I took it easy.  We watched shows, played cards, read books, and stayed in jammies until the early afternoon.  Andrew was subdued, somewhat cranky, and maybe at about 40% of his normal exuberant self, but he was getting better and better.  And despite feeling kinda crummy really, he hasn’t seemed to be in any pain, which is great.  (He looks sooo sad in this picture, though!)

After having sibling-relationships break down numerous times, I decided that we could all use some time out of the house.  So we went to Door Creek Orchard and met up with Jessica, Eli, and Celia to pick some apples and to get some delicious cider.

The mosquitoes are still really intense at the orchard (soo glad I didn’t schedule an orchard mini-session this month!).  So we wandered through the trees for a little bit before beating a hasty retreat to the orchard barn where we gathered some pre-picked apples and a gallon of delicious cider.  Both boys had attempted to climb the apple trees.  Another indication that Mr. Andrew is feeling pretty agile.

I’m hoping that Andrew’s winning smile makes more of an appearance as time passes.  He woke up this morning feeling good, and he’s been off at school all day…hopefully doing alright!

Sylvia and I have had a really nice day together.  As much as she loves Andrew, she does so well when he’s not around.  She and I went to MamaTone to workout this morning (I worked out, she played!), and then we’ve just snuggled and laughed and watched shows together on this somewhat chilly fall day.

Almost time now to pick up my boy from school.  I hope it went well!

Back home, and the patient is doing well

Andrew’s in a much better emotional place than he was a few hours ago.  We got home around 2:30.  It helped so much that the nurse let him have the time he needed to snuggle with his dad and wake up more and finish his movie.  He got dressed and got to ride a wheelchair down to the car. Nurse Lisa, you were great!

Once we got back home, Andrew spent an hour or so in bed while we read him Where the Sidewalk Ends.

Then, after eating some animal crackers and having a little Tylenol, he decided he wanted to come out to the kitchen for some more food (he hadn’t eaten since the previous night).  After munching a hardboiled egg, he walked himself back to his room.  He was quite proud!

After a normal doctor’s visit, Andrew gets a sticker, and Nurse Lisa gave him 10 stickers as we left today.


Onto recovery

Andrew is snuggled up to his dad on his hospital bed, watching The Incredibles on a portable DVD player after his umbilical hernia surgery.  I’ve come to discover that a movie can have the power of a tranquilizer for a five-year-old.

Andrew got pretty agitated as he woke from surgery.  He really wanted the IV out, the incision bandage removed, and to leave the hospital NOW. But he couldn’t talk very clearly, so it was all just a lot of thrashing and unhappiness.  … Until his smart nurse suggested a movie.  That and his daddy’s strong arms and stabilizing presence calmed the boy down.  When we left the recovery area, Bryan got to ride on the bed, all snuggled up with our little boy.

I’ve got to say, I am so impressed with how lovely this hospital is and how wonderfully they have their systems down.  They are really set up to make things run smoothly for kids and their families.

After Andrew had stabilized a bit in recovery, we came back to our room, where Andrew and Bryan have continued to snuggle and watch their show.  Andrew had his IV taken out a few minutes ago, and I think it’s fair to say that that wasn’t a good experience.  Due perhaps to the extreme agitation he experienced during the IV removal, our boy threw up a few minutes ago.  But I don’t think he stopped watching the show.

We should be heading home before to long, armed with some Tylenol with codeine.  Our little guy is pretty subdued, so I think we’ll have a quiet afternoon.

Andrew’s in surgery

I’m writing to you from the lovely UW Children’s Hospital.  Andrew has been in surgery for the last 45 minutes, so I’m expecting to hear from his doctors at any moment.  He’s been doing great today!

Here are some photos and video (if it works!).

Here we are heading in at 8:30…  The little guy has his backpack filled with card games, books, and one of his sweethearts.

Checking in…he’s nervous but excited too.

Andrew got in several games of Xactica with me and Bryan between visits with nurses, surgeons, and anesthesiologists.

Here’s Andrew with his nurse Lisa.

Here’s a video of him playing patient in bed.

They gave him a sedative, and he got pretty dopey in the moments before surgery!

Here’s a video of him getting sleepy (he wasn’t really asleep at the end!)

Here’s the doctor getting ready to take him back.

And here’s a video of him taking off with Bryan for the OR.