Autumn outings

October slipped by.  Our tree in our front yard turned the most amazing golden color this year.  When the sun shone through the leaves, I was mesmerized.  I don’t think that there could be a more beautiful site.  The kids liked it too, and I made up a story for them about how Bryan and I take our extra money and make it into gold and store it in the tree just so that for a few glorious days in the fall we can see what happens when leaves turn into papery thin pieces of gold.

Below, you’ll see some pictures of some late-October outings we took.

This is a pile of nuts that Sylvia found and stuffed into my pockets while we went for a walk:

Silly girl on the trail.

And there’s Andrew back when he had curls…

The kids and I were hiking at Kagonza State Park.  We’d gone the night before to attend a night-time walk with the trail lit by jack-o-lanterns.  However as we were walking in, Andrew (who was running) tripped and scraped up his elbow.  It was game over, and we all piled back into the car and headed home.  So the next morning, I thought we’d try again.

Sylvia’s red mark on her nose is from where she fell down the front porch steps and landed on her face.  No permanent damage done.

Andrew pretends to chop down a sapling.  Note that Sylvie has Poodle stuffed down her pants:)

Here’s a different day…our last outing to the apple orchard.

Sylvia wore swim suits every day all summer.  As the weather turned cold, she still wore them but added warmer items like a hat and mittens.  Then she started wearing clothes on top of the swimming suits.  When Bryan packed all the suits up and put them in the basement a few weeks ago, there amazingly wasn’t a whisper of complaint!

Sorry this picture is rotated funny.  Here it is corrected.   I love when the two of them are sitting together on the front step, enjoying each other’s company.  Plus, just look at Andrew’s curls!

Some painting…

Alivia lost her first tooth!

Enjoying some Culver’s left-overs

Here we’re taking a trip to Schuster’s Playtime Farm near Cambridge with Jessica and Celia.

10-05-10_Schuester'sFarm_005 10-05-10_Schuester'sFarm_011

Two girls enjoying the fences.  Sylvia is so non-phased by large livestock that (as her mother) it’s almost disturbing.


Hello, chicken!

10-05-10_Schuester'sFarm_034Bye bye October!

One Reply to “Autumn outings”

  1. I like your brief October overview. It’s nice to thank a month for all the fun had and then bid it farewell, no? ANd those curls. SOb!

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