Sibling love

This is a two-part post about the Andrew/Sylvia relationship as I saw it this morning:

Part I – The good

Andrew and Sylvia are so cute together!  They wake up and rush for their vitamins.  They dole them out for each other, and then they leap about exclaiming in mutual glee what they want for breakfast.  Sylvia carefully watches Andrew and mimics his expressions and his moves. Except when he’s mimicking her.  After breakfast this morning, they crawled into Andrew’s bed.  She snuggled down under the comforter next to him, and he read her a couple chapters of Frog and Toad.  I leaned on the door frame and took in the beauty and comfort of their relationship.  The way Sylvia adores Andrew.  The joy he gets from her company.  It’s such a wonder and a gift that they have each other.

Part II – The not-so-good

Moments after stumbling out of bed and greeting each other, the conflict begins.  Sylvia wants a purple spoon with her breakfast.  One of the COVETED purple spoons.  Andrew says that both the purple spoons should stay in the drawer until they can use them together (he already has an orange spoon).  Sylv persists.  Andrew holds the silverware drawer closed with his body.  Sylvia pulls hard on to open it.  Voices are raised.  Sylvia shrieks.  The kids have been awake for about 4 minutes, and I’m threatening to get rid of both purple spoons if there is any more conflict over the stupid purple spoons.  Andrew demures.  Sylvia gets the purple spoon <Note to self: Andrew gets the purple spoon next.>
The kids sit down at breakfast and begin laughing and giggling about a thumbs up/thumbs down game they’re playing.  Suddenly, they’re not on the same page.  Andrew’s giving something a thumbs down.  Sylvie isn’t happy.  Andrew begins frowning, grunting, and saying, “No.  NO. NO!”  Sylvia starts to yell something.  “Yes!!!”  “NOOOO!”  “YESSSSS!!!!”  Just when I’m about to end breakfast and have them take turns eating since they obviously can’t seem to do it together, they work it out, and it’s on to the next thing.


Is it any wonder that I sometimes feel a little dizzy?
