You’ll have to finish that doughnut before…

Sometimes when I’m speaking to my children, I pause and listen to the words that just came out of my mouth and sort of shake my head.  Like yesterday morning, we were all enjoying some doughnuts for breakfast.  Bryan brought home left-overs from work on Friday, so Saturday morning saw us all enjoying the yummy treats.  Andrew likes to eat doughnuts (and cupcakes and anything else with frosting) by licking or nibbling the frosting off, leaving a nearly untouched bakedgood underneath.  After pulling this trick and diving in for more, we said, “Andrew, you’ll have to finish all of your doughnut before you can have another one.”  And then we looked at each other with wonder, questioning, “Did I just say that?”

Have a carrot!Morning donught with sprinkles

Last day of preschool

It’s another amazing-looking May morning.  Bryan is taking Sylvie over to Donna’s for the morning, and Andrew is getting dressed for his last day of preschool.  He’s decided to ride his bike (named Brisinger) to school today.IMG_5212

I don’t have a gift for his teachers.  Must still think of something on that front…

Last week, I had a parent-teacher conference with Sue and Emily.  They really love him, and Andrew’s temperment is a great fit for school.  They put together a really touching book outlining the ways Andrew has grown over the year.  He helped me scan it in to the computer, and I have it posted here for your reading pleasure.  It’s about 10MB to download…

Hope your day is a delightful one!

Last preschool Thursday

I’m sitting on my porch, listening to the cacophony of birds, feeling the sun warm my legs, and feeling a gentle breeze. The maples on our street have finished flowering, and teeny tiny leaves have burst from the buds. Our driveway, sizewalk, and stret are covered with spring-green maple flowers. Dandelions have popped out on every lawn, and the kids are having a blast gathering them. Andrew declared (many times) that his favorite color is yellow. (Just so you know, that’s true today only.) Tulips are standing proud and colorful, the squirrels and birds are racing around with hormonal franticness…May, how I love you!
Continue reading “Last preschool Thursday”

Back from Minnesota

I had a lovely time at Carleton on Friday and Saturday.  And today, Sunday, was a beautiful spring day to beat all beautiful spring days.  I got home after the kids were in bed last night.  Andrew had requested to be awoken, and he came racing down the hall and gave me a flying hug, wrapping his legs around my waist, ankles hooked together behind my back.

Ahh, the smell of my children.  I’ve been drinking it in all day long.  My favorite part is the nape of the neck, right where his curls begin.  On Sylvie, I think I prefer just behind her ears when I nuzzle my nose there…my lips resting on her beautiful neck.

Continue reading “Back from Minnesota”

No more milk for baby?

In a burst of independence, Sylvia has nearly weaned herself from nursing over the last couple weeks. I’m mostly thrilled, but my heart is a little sad to think that our days of our sweet nursing moments are at an end.

Up until mid-April, she was nursing before both naps, before bed, and at 4:30am. So that was four times a day. Aside from the middle-of-the-night nursing, the other ones were brief…only a minute or two.

About two weeks ago, we decided to wean Sylvie from her nighttime feeding. Bryan was able to go to her at night and get her back to sleep without too much fuss (when she saw me, she really just wanted to nurse!). A surprising side-effect of her nighttime weaning was that she lost interest in daytime nursings as well.

I’m going to Northfield on Friday and Saturday for an Alumni Council meeting at Carleton. I’d been planning on bringing Sylvia with me and finding a college student to watch her. But last weekend, Bryan and I decided that she’d probably be done nursing by the weekend, so she’s staying at home with Bryan and Andrew! Her last nursing was yesterday morning. She never asked today. Tomorrow would be her last chance, and then I’ll be gone until Sunday morning… wow.

She’s growing up so much. I’m really proud of her. Only thing is that she’s such an active, on-the-go baby, that my heart aches a little to think that our quiet moments of her snuggled in my arms, looking quietly up into my eyes is at an end. My sweet baby girl. Time is washing over her, and she is toddling…now almost running toward her future.

I’ll just have to pick her up while she’s sleeping have the chance to hold her still body and stoke her soft skin.

Learning about Spain

Bryan’s parents are on vacation in Spain right now, and we’re having fun tracking their travels on Google Maps.  Andrew and I spent a little time this morning looking a the terrain and at photos of the areas they are visiting.  Today is LuAnn’s birthday.  I’m hoping they’re having a lovely day!

View Larger Map


I am totally OCD-ing this whole transfer of photos to Flickr thing.  After a couple days of lots of hours, I’ve moved all 6,000+ pictures.  They’re all sorted into beautiful collections.  You can look up my photos by date!  On a calendar!  There are oodles of sets (albums) which I am now reorganizing by date.  And after some consideration, I’ve decided to tag my pictures.  Because wouldn’t it be fun to see all the pictures I have of “crying” or “smiling” or “flowers” or “granny.”

This is going to be a long process.  Bryan has called into question my sanity and/or preference for free-time activities.  But I love my “toes” tag, and I’m looking forward to going through each and every one of those 6,000 pictures.  This might take a while…

My new destop background

Quotes from the universe

My friend Jessica (who has a knack for finding great things) sent me the following email that she received from The Universe.  Made me laugh and smile all day, so I thought I’d share.

There isn’t a moment in any day, Jessica, when someone, somewhere, isn’t better off because of something you’ve done.

And no matter what you do, or don’t do, with the rest of your life, you cannot now comprehend the amounts of love, joy, and personal assistance that are already being pressed out to you in gratitude.

Must be nice,
The Universe

She received this great note from an email subscription.  Here’s what their website says about their daily notes:

Notes are brief passages written by “The Universe,” personalized with your name (and occasionally your personal goals and dreams), designed to remind you that you have, indeed, been given dominion over all things.

Notes from the Universe are unconventional, humorous, deeply insightful, and wildly popular! They’re also free and sent out 5 days a week!

TUT’s Adventurer’s Club sounds like a fun group.  I’m always glad to find out about things that make me smile!  Let me know if you decide to try them out:)

“Let’s talk about the ways I love you”

Andrew is just wonderful.  The two of us played “bears” for a half hour tonight.  And nearly every word that came out of him made me wish that I was taping him…he’s just so beautifully cute.

Our game stated as he got out of the tub.  He pulled his green froggy robe around himself, looked up at me, and said, “Mommy, let’s go snuggle and do toaster on the bed and talk about the ways I love you.”  Toaster is when we warm him up by hugging him in our winter coats or under the covers.

While we “did toaster,” we shared observations about how much we love each other.  For a literary comparison, it’s kind of like Quick as a Cricket meets Guess How Much I Love You.  For example, Andrew said,

“I love you as many stripes as a zebra has. I love you as high as a giraffe can reach.  I love you as hot as Africa.  I love you big as a hippo can open his mouth.  I love you as many wildebeests that there are on the savanna.  I love you as much as a lion’s mane.”

I replied in kind, and we shared our “I love yous” until we’d exhausted (at least temporarily) our creativity.

Later Andrew requested that we play bears.  I’d be the mommy bear and he’d be the little baby bear.  I’d still need to protect him from predators, but he could hunt for himself.  First he went hunting for a moose.  He had to be very careful of the sharp antlers and hooves.  He was so delighted that he was able to take down a great big moose all by himself.  We devoured it together, spitting out antlers, bones, and fur.  For the next half hour, Andrew-bear successfully hunted a manatee, a lion, an octopus (we liked slurping down the tentacles but had to spit out the ink), a (!) blue whale (we called all the other bears to join in), a daddy humpback whale, and an antelope.  We also found lots of delicious berries, but we had to watch out for skunks on our berry-forays.

After each meal, we’d crawl back to our den where winter would be coming on and we’d hibernate under the covers together until the smell of berries or the flutter of butterfly wings would wake us up.  Baby bear would giggle and kiss Mommy bear’s nose to rouse her from her slumber.  Then we’d groom each other, pulling the burs out of our thick fur.   Andrew-bear decided that he was almost grown, but he wanted to stay with his mommy bear for protection and warmth in the winter.  We were very cozy bears during those short winter hibernations.

I feel so lucky to have this sweet boy in my life.