Back from Minnesota

I had a lovely time at Carleton on Friday and Saturday.  And today, Sunday, was a beautiful spring day to beat all beautiful spring days.  I got home after the kids were in bed last night.  Andrew had requested to be awoken, and he came racing down the hall and gave me a flying hug, wrapping his legs around my waist, ankles hooked together behind my back.

Ahh, the smell of my children.  I’ve been drinking it in all day long.  My favorite part is the nape of the neck, right where his curls begin.  On Sylvie, I think I prefer just behind her ears when I nuzzle my nose there…my lips resting on her beautiful neck.

We spent nearly the entire day outdoors today.  I purchased a scarlet oak tree, which Bryan planted in the yard today.  I think of it as a memorial tree for my mom and grandparents and others we love who aren’t among us anymore.  It’s a scrawny little sapling right now, but it has a patch of earth now to grow into and call its own.

Bryan mowed for the first time, and he did lots of dandilion picking.  Andrew did a bike ride, we washed the minivan, and I transplanted a slew of sunflower seedlings that Andrew planted.  When we put the children to bed (after scrubbing the ground-in dirt in the tub), Bryan and I sat on the porch, sipped marguritas, and chatted while we watched the sky turn from sunset to dusk to night.  A perfect way to end a delightful night.

While I was driving this weekend, I listened to several episodes of NPR’s This American Life. Boy do I love that show.  I also really enjoyed hearing several podcasts of This I Believe. One of them that struck a cord was called “Dancing to Connect a Global Tribe.”  Check it out if you have the chance!

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