Quotes from the universe

My friend Jessica (who has a knack for finding great things) sent me the following email that she received from The Universe.  Made me laugh and smile all day, so I thought I’d share.

There isn’t a moment in any day, Jessica, when someone, somewhere, isn’t better off because of something you’ve done.

And no matter what you do, or don’t do, with the rest of your life, you cannot now comprehend the amounts of love, joy, and personal assistance that are already being pressed out to you in gratitude.

Must be nice,
The Universe

She received this great note from an email subscription.  Here’s what their website says about their daily notes:

Notes are brief passages written by “The Universe,” personalized with your name (and occasionally your personal goals and dreams), designed to remind you that you have, indeed, been given dominion over all things.

Notes from the Universe are unconventional, humorous, deeply insightful, and wildly popular! They’re also free and sent out 5 days a week!

TUT’s Adventurer’s Club sounds like a fun group.  I’m always glad to find out about things that make me smile!  Let me know if you decide to try them out:)

One Reply to “Quotes from the universe”

  1. Yay for notes from The Universe!! I click on them right away and am rarely disappointed. “You had it on your to-do list to dance today, right? Dance on, The Universe” It’s impossible to get that and resist smiling.

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