
I am totally OCD-ing this whole transfer of photos to Flickr thing.  After a couple days of lots of hours, I’ve moved all 6,000+ pictures.  They’re all sorted into beautiful collections.  You can look up my photos by date!  On a calendar!  There are oodles of sets (albums) which I am now reorganizing by date.  And after some consideration, I’ve decided to tag my pictures.  Because wouldn’t it be fun to see all the pictures I have of “crying” or “smiling” or “flowers” or “granny.”

This is going to be a long process.  Bryan has called into question my sanity and/or preference for free-time activities.  But I love my “toes” tag, and I’m looking forward to going through each and every one of those 6,000 pictures.  This might take a while…

My new destop background

2 Replies to “Photomania”

  1. I too had photo taking and organizing fever once. But at some point a couple of years ago, I realized that I was more concerned with immortalizing the moment than being part of the moment. I have since relinquished my camera, only taking it when I am in the mood for some artsy shots, or when I need to document something for the grandparents.

  2. i think your photo organization (and the photos themselves) are splendidly beautiful living at flickr. I feel satisfied looking at the progress you made, so you must be glowing with pride. What a perfect set-up. I’m so happy that photos-taking, editing and organization makes you happy……. you sure make others happy with your process and, of course, the photos!!

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