No more milk for baby?

In a burst of independence, Sylvia has nearly weaned herself from nursing over the last couple weeks. I’m mostly thrilled, but my heart is a little sad to think that our days of our sweet nursing moments are at an end.

Up until mid-April, she was nursing before both naps, before bed, and at 4:30am. So that was four times a day. Aside from the middle-of-the-night nursing, the other ones were brief…only a minute or two.

About two weeks ago, we decided to wean Sylvie from her nighttime feeding. Bryan was able to go to her at night and get her back to sleep without too much fuss (when she saw me, she really just wanted to nurse!). A surprising side-effect of her nighttime weaning was that she lost interest in daytime nursings as well.

I’m going to Northfield on Friday and Saturday for an Alumni Council meeting at Carleton. I’d been planning on bringing Sylvia with me and finding a college student to watch her. But last weekend, Bryan and I decided that she’d probably be done nursing by the weekend, so she’s staying at home with Bryan and Andrew! Her last nursing was yesterday morning. She never asked today. Tomorrow would be her last chance, and then I’ll be gone until Sunday morning… wow.

She’s growing up so much. I’m really proud of her. Only thing is that she’s such an active, on-the-go baby, that my heart aches a little to think that our quiet moments of her snuggled in my arms, looking quietly up into my eyes is at an end. My sweet baby girl. Time is washing over her, and she is toddling…now almost running toward her future.

I’ll just have to pick her up while she’s sleeping have the chance to hold her still body and stoke her soft skin.

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