Granny and Grandad’s visit

grannytime.JPGOct. 4:  It’s been a little hard to post this past week. Sylvia is continuing to only sleep for 20-40 minutes before waking up.  And then she’s really not going back to sleep.  So…that’s been fun.
But, what was fun was to have Granny and Grandad come visit us last weekend.  Andrew got to show his preschool off to his grandparents.  The boys all went to the zoo on Saturday, and they both got lots of Sylvia time.  Sylvie is so amazing right now.  I’m really glad that they got to see her as she’s transitioning from a cuddly baby to an active little one.
Granny is driving up to see us next Sunday, so we’re looking forward to seeing her again soon!  Photos of their visit are in the gallery.

Boy loves his preschool

preschool.jpgOct. 4: Andrew was really disappointed that he couldn’t go to preschool today.  So Bryan offered to play preschool with him.  It was pretty sweet.
Andrew’s been coming home singing songs, showing off his artwork, and skipping and dreaming about when he can go back.  Everything I’ve seen about his preschool makes me love it.  It’s all so gentle and play-oriented.
I had a short conference with his teachers, Sue and Emily, on Thursday. They are really enjoying Andrew, and I got the pleasure of having other adults talk warmly about my sweet boy.  Good preschool times!

Crawling in her sleep

Oct. 2: Well the good news is that Sylvia is sleeping much better at night and took some good naps yesterday.  I only really had to let her cry yesterday morning (it was a 40 minute doozie), and then she seemed to remember how to fall asleep and stay asleep.
I was about to write a post about how much I was enjoying my quiet morning with Andrew at preschool and Sylvia napping when I heard a “clunk” and she woke up yelling.  She’d only been sleeping for about 40 minutes, so I gave her the pacifier and left her to fall back asleep.  Well now she’s been crying for about 10 minutes, and I don’t think she’s going to get back to sleep.  Poor girl!
I’m going to rescue her now.  I hope she’ll stop trying to crawl around the crib while sleeping!

Saying “Dada”

onmamaslap.jpgOct. 1: This morning, Sylvia and I were lying in bed while Bryan got ready for work.  Sylvia kept repeating, “Dadadaddadadad.”  I was trying to figure out if she was talking about her Dada, so I said, “Dada is going byebye.”  She waved and said “baba dada baba dada dada dada.”  Bryan didn’t feel like it was a certain enough statement to be her first word, but it was at least her first meaningful babble!
In other news, I took her to the doctor this morning to check her ears to see if they are all clear.  And…they are healthy ears!  So that’s the upside.  Sylvia might not like the ramifications, though, because I am currently letting her holler in her crib.  She’s forgotten how to take normal, decent naps, and now that I know that she’s not suffering from an ear infection, I’m going to be a harder-hearted mommy and try to help her re-learn how to take naps and sleep for longer stretches at night.  Wish us luck!

I think we’re all healthy again

Sept. 29: Wow, I can’t believe that it’s almost the end of September!  When did that happen?
I’m in the processes of backing up my computer, but I thought I’d take a moment before I step away from the computer to make dinner to quickly update that Sylvia seems healthy.  She’s a happy girl during the day again.  Still waking pretty frequently at night though…
This morning, I was so surprised to see Sylvia crawling down the hall from the bathroom to the kitchen.  She really got everything synched up for a good, long crawl.  Usually she’s staying within about a five-foot area.
Bryan’s parents were here for the weekend (since we canceled our Northfield trip due to Sylvia’s unhappiness).  We had a really, really nice time.  Photos are in the gallery!

Hair-raising story

I’ve been having a hair crisis, but it has reached a very happy conclusion.  My hairdresser, Liz, has been doing my hair for about four years.  I love getting my hair done by her.  I also really like her.  So about a week ago, the salon called to tell me that Liz was no longer at the salon, and they wondered if they could reschedule me with a different stylist.  “She has taken a new career path,” they said.  Ahhhhhhh!!!!!

I held of on posting about this because although it deeply troubled me, it seemed rather superficial to be so upset about a person’s hairdresser going AWOL.  I mean, we had a long-term relationship!  She didn’t mention that she was thinking about leaving!  Couldn’t she have found a way to say goodbye?  Did I value our relationship more than she did?  How could she break up with me by just disappearing?

I knew what street she lived on and considered walking down it calling for her.  “Liz, even if you aren’t a hair-stylist any more, can you please just do my hair?” LIZ!!  Please!

But I pulled myself together, decided not to be a stalker, and I made an appointment at Ananda Salon.  Sad, resigned.

Then today a postcard.  It was from Liz.  She has started her own salon right near my home called THORPS.  They’re specializing in cut and color.  Oh, sweet relief!  Liz and me.  BFF again.

Friends make a day feel better

Sept. 25: The day is going much better than last night did.  Sylvia is on her second good nap of the day.  While Andrew was at preschool, I got my car washed with the plan of photographing it and putting it up for sale on craigslist.  Jessica, Eli, and Celia came over for lunch after preschool today, and we had Malt-O-Meal muffins and picnicked outdoors on this beautiful, beautiful day.
Sylvia’s spirits have been OK, and Andrew and Eli got in some good play-time together.  Talking and laughing and de-compressing with a friend is a good way to make a blah day better again.

Nighttime H-E-double toothpicks

Sept. 25: The sun is out, the September air is cool and crisp and fair.  Sylvia is nursing and not all-together happy, but it’s worlds better than the nighttime agony that the poor little dear was experiencing last night.  From the time we put her down until around midnight she woke up arching her back and howling every 20-30 minutes.  We’d bounce her and I’d nurse her and we’d let her fall asleep in our arms.  We’d carefully lay her down in bed, and either she would immediately wake or she’d wake after a short interval.
At least Andrew is a sound sleeper!
We let her cry herself to sleep around midnight, and she slept until 2.  Then around 5:30, she was up again and wouldn’t let me lay her down.  So we dozed together on the sofa.  She slept upright on my chest, and I dozed-while-sitting.  We were able to lay her in her bed around 7am.
I called the doctor, and they said to keep her dosed on Motrin and to give the antibiotics another day to kick in.
Figuring that overnight stays in a hotel would be a complete nightmare, I canceled our trip to Northfield (for my Alumni Council meeting).  Bryan’s parents were going to meet us in Northfield because Bryan’s dad is giving a talk in the Twin Cities today.  Instead, they’ll drive down to Madison on Friday and spend a couple days here before driving back up on Sunday.
Andrew’s at preschool this morning…having a blast.
poor little Sylv.  I hope she feels better soon.

The rash is dissipating

Sept. 24: Sylvia’s face looks almost normal this morning.  However, if you look down at her torso or legs, she’s still a splotchy, red lobster.  Last night she had a hard time.  She was up every half hour from 7 until 1.  I gave her Benadryl at 10 or 11, and at 1am I gave her some Motrin.  Seemed like maybe she was in pain as opposed to itchy because the Motrin did the trick.  She slept from 1 until 4 or 5.
My poor little chipmunk.  I hope her ears start feeling much better soon.