Nighttime H-E-double toothpicks

Sept. 25: The sun is out, the September air is cool and crisp and fair.  Sylvia is nursing and not all-together happy, but it’s worlds better than the nighttime agony that the poor little dear was experiencing last night.  From the time we put her down until around midnight she woke up arching her back and howling every 20-30 minutes.  We’d bounce her and I’d nurse her and we’d let her fall asleep in our arms.  We’d carefully lay her down in bed, and either she would immediately wake or she’d wake after a short interval.
At least Andrew is a sound sleeper!
We let her cry herself to sleep around midnight, and she slept until 2.  Then around 5:30, she was up again and wouldn’t let me lay her down.  So we dozed together on the sofa.  She slept upright on my chest, and I dozed-while-sitting.  We were able to lay her in her bed around 7am.
I called the doctor, and they said to keep her dosed on Motrin and to give the antibiotics another day to kick in.
Figuring that overnight stays in a hotel would be a complete nightmare, I canceled our trip to Northfield (for my Alumni Council meeting).  Bryan’s parents were going to meet us in Northfield because Bryan’s dad is giving a talk in the Twin Cities today.  Instead, they’ll drive down to Madison on Friday and spend a couple days here before driving back up on Sunday.
Andrew’s at preschool this morning…having a blast.
poor little Sylv.  I hope she feels better soon.