Hair-raising story

I’ve been having a hair crisis, but it has reached a very happy conclusion.  My hairdresser, Liz, has been doing my hair for about four years.  I love getting my hair done by her.  I also really like her.  So about a week ago, the salon called to tell me that Liz was no longer at the salon, and they wondered if they could reschedule me with a different stylist.  “She has taken a new career path,” they said.  Ahhhhhhh!!!!!

I held of on posting about this because although it deeply troubled me, it seemed rather superficial to be so upset about a person’s hairdresser going AWOL.  I mean, we had a long-term relationship!  She didn’t mention that she was thinking about leaving!  Couldn’t she have found a way to say goodbye?  Did I value our relationship more than she did?  How could she break up with me by just disappearing?

I knew what street she lived on and considered walking down it calling for her.  “Liz, even if you aren’t a hair-stylist any more, can you please just do my hair?” LIZ!!  Please!

But I pulled myself together, decided not to be a stalker, and I made an appointment at Ananda Salon.  Sad, resigned.

Then today a postcard.  It was from Liz.  She has started her own salon right near my home called THORPS.  They’re specializing in cut and color.  Oh, sweet relief!  Liz and me.  BFF again.