Saying “Dada”

onmamaslap.jpgOct. 1: This morning, Sylvia and I were lying in bed while Bryan got ready for work.  Sylvia kept repeating, “Dadadaddadadad.”  I was trying to figure out if she was talking about her Dada, so I said, “Dada is going byebye.”  She waved and said “baba dada baba dada dada dada.”  Bryan didn’t feel like it was a certain enough statement to be her first word, but it was at least her first meaningful babble!
In other news, I took her to the doctor this morning to check her ears to see if they are all clear.  And…they are healthy ears!  So that’s the upside.  Sylvia might not like the ramifications, though, because I am currently letting her holler in her crib.  She’s forgotten how to take normal, decent naps, and now that I know that she’s not suffering from an ear infection, I’m going to be a harder-hearted mommy and try to help her re-learn how to take naps and sleep for longer stretches at night.  Wish us luck!