Granny and Grandad’s visit

grannytime.JPGOct. 4:  It’s been a little hard to post this past week. Sylvia is continuing to only sleep for 20-40 minutes before waking up.  And then she’s really not going back to sleep.  So…that’s been fun.
But, what was fun was to have Granny and Grandad come visit us last weekend.  Andrew got to show his preschool off to his grandparents.  The boys all went to the zoo on Saturday, and they both got lots of Sylvia time.  Sylvie is so amazing right now.  I’m really glad that they got to see her as she’s transitioning from a cuddly baby to an active little one.
Granny is driving up to see us next Sunday, so we’re looking forward to seeing her again soon!  Photos of their visit are in the gallery.