A blue day

I’m feeling a little sad today.  Is that the kind of thing I normally blog about?  No.  It’s also not the way I often feel.

We’ve heard sad news from several family members in the last week.  None of it directly affects our little family of four, but my heart aches in several tender places.  Also, Sylvia is having a day filled with meltdowns and obstinance.  We went to toddler time this morning, and that was fine, but since then, oh boy…  I don’t think I ever realized that a little person could feel so much fury for such lengths of time.  I feel sad for her.  Today, I feel a little sad for myself too.

She just went down for a nap, and I’m really hoping that when she wakes up that her clouds will have passed and the sun will shine for her again.

Ahh well, some days are like this.  Thanks for listening 🙂


Andrew’s adventure

On Sunday afternoon, Andrew and his aunt Melanie hopped on a plane and flew down to Dallas.  Andrew was so very, very excited about his trip.  He’d packed his back-pack about three weeks ago.  Apparently, he talked about it all the time at preschool.  And he showed absolutely zero trepidation or worry.  My boy was GUNG HO about his adventure. He’s been in Dallas with Melanie since Sunday, and today Granny is picking him up.  He’ll spend the next seven days with her and Grandad.  Andrew sure does love his family!  So do I:)


As we drove away from the airport, Bryan and I both got kind of misty-eyed thinking about our little guy and his big adventure.  There’s a lot of emotion wrapped up in the process of watching your kids grow up.  I felt so proud of him, I missed him, and my heart felt kind of exposed just thinking of the wide experiences he will have outside of our lives together.


If parenting is a continual process of letting go, this was a nice little milestone.  Hopefully it’ll make it a little easier when he goes to kindergarten and (gasp!) college.


On Sunday afternoon, Sylvia had me and Bryan all to herself, and she LOVED it.  We played in the yard and listened to our neighborhood owls hooting from a tree across the street.  We played in the leaves and finally raked them all up, we came inside and had a different, quieter three-person dinner.  Sylvia reveled in the one-on-one attention.  Really, she was basking like a lizard in the sun.  I think she’ll enjoy this week too.


LuAnn flies Andrew back home on November 10.  So until then, I get to be the mama of just a 20-month-old.  So far, it’s loads of fun!


The ghosts of Halloween’s past

I’m uploading pictures from tonight’s trick-or-treating extravaganza.  Well, maybe not truly an extravaganza, but I think it felt that way for the kids!  After a nice costumed romp in our major leaf piles, we traversed the neighborhood with Alivia, Rayna, Kathy, and Brett.  After eight houses, both Andrew and Alivia were suggesting that we stop.  It’s so nice to live on a quiet dead-end street.  Our kids are the big show in town:)

I just looked back at some of the pictures I’ve taken of Andrew and Alivia (and their baby sisters as they came around), and it’s so cute, I had to share.  More Halloween pictures tomorrow!


Back in Ann Arbor, April was a dragon…

Halloween pooch


Andrew (four months) is a dragon!

Continue reading “The ghosts of Halloween’s past”

Halloween 2009!!!

Andrew has a grand Godzilla costume made with love by his granny.  And Sylvia is a blue bunny (from the 1946 story, Bunny Blue).  This is the same blue bunny costume that Bryan wore was when he was a babe.  Here, for your Halloween enjoyment, are pictures of my kiddos in their Halloween duds.  They’re so cute!  And I’m so lucky they have a grandma who loves to sew for them!






And now…(watch out!!)…Godzilla.






More photos of kids in costumes (I really held back here in this post!) are available in the photo gallery!

Sibling love

Andrew doesn’t usually like to have his picture taken.  Until, suddenly, he does.  In the last week, there have been a remarkable number of times that he has requested that I take his picture.  Especially when he’s snuggling with Sylvia.  I’ve been happy to oblige, and here are some of the results.

Be still my heart.







If you’d like any of these images as you desktop background or as a high resolution image to take to your local tattoo parlor to have permanently emblazoned on your arm, you can get them here (click on “all sizes”)!

Playing in the leaf-strewn yard

You may be tired of looking at pictures of my kids playing in the leaves, but I’m not!  So here you go.

Sylvia pushes Poodle around in the stroller.

IMG_5985I cannot keep shoes on this girl!  I am so glad that the weather warmed up.  It is such a struggle to get her shoes on, and then even when it’s 50 degrees and raining, I turn around and she’s barefoot.  She must be related to my mom.


Sylvie sure does like her bike.  I love the color!  I’m so glad I picked pink.  I think of it as lilac:)

IMG_6040The squirrels haven’t eaten this pumpkin.  Much.  yet.


They have eaten this pumpkin.  A lot.  It’s gross.


Oh, how do I love our maple tree!?  Let me count the ways.  As many ways as there are leaves.


Andrew got a fun bubble kit from Bryan’s co-worker, Dawn.  He anticipated playing with it for several cold and rainy days, and then he was joyous to finally get to try it out.  He had a blast sticking bubbles to leaves.




And I’ll leave you with a pretty picture.  Isn’t this a lovely plant?


Happy fall everyone!

Melanie is visiting!

I’m typing this up on Wednesday night at 10pm.  Bryan is still at work at the office.  He’s been working so very hard!!

I just processed hundreds of pictures from Andrew’s preschool Halloween party.  Those little kids in costumes are just the cutest.  And it’s pretty clear that I’m going to need a new computer soon.  I love my laptop, but it’s just not robust enough to handle the photo editing that I’m trying to make it do.  I usually have a book next to me to read between clicks…as my computer goes, “Kerchunk, kerchunk…you want me to do what???”


Melanie is flying up from Texas tomorrow, and we’re all so excited for her visit.  She’ll be staying with us through the weekend, and then Andrew is going to hop on the plane with her, and together they will fly back to Texas.  Then Andrew will be visiting her and then Granny and Grandad until November 10.  He talks about his upcoming trip very regularly, and he’s had his backpack packed for weeks.  It’s safe to say that he loves his family, and he loves Texas.  It’s warm there, you know!


We’ve had a stretch of amazing weather.  The weekend was stunning.  Gorgeous color, lots of sunshine.  Ahhh, beautiful autumn warms the soul.  Bryan had a two-day chess tournament over the weekend.  Since it was held in downtown Madison, the kids and I spent both days down at Terry’s condo, and we got to see Bryan between matches.  Bryan had an intense day on Saturday, losing two of three games, and then on Sunday, he ended up winning both games, and rarely have I seen my boy so fired up about a challenge.  From my perspective, chess is a lot like rock climbing.  You’re trying to find a path to your goal…you’re trying to think out risks…you’re calculating dozens or hundreds of possibilities in hopes of finding the optimal trail.  It can be exhilarating and demanding and exhausting.  That might be where the similarities end 🙂  Since he pulled out three wins, Bryan won his class for the tournament.  And he brought home Michael’s sundays to celebrate!


Andrew spent the weekend expanding his horizons too.  On Saturday, Terry took him to a silent movie at Overture Center.  When I was little, Terry took me and the kids (that’s Michael, Maretta, and Joe) to many, many silent movies through Duck Soup Cinema.  Andrew really enjoyed seeing Buster Keaton play Sherlock Jr.  He brought home a balloon hippo that we’ve been playing with for the past several days.

Andrew and I went to a theater last year to see The Tail of Despereaux, but this is his second movie in a theater.  I like knowing that he has had such limited exposure to popular culture!!  I’m sure Sherlock Jr. was very popular back in 1924.


Then on Sunday, Andrew went to his second play (his first being  A Christmas Carol).  Terry took him to see the musical Little Women.  Terry reported that Andrew did very, very well.  The play ended up being 2 hours and 40 minutes, which is a bit too long for a four-year-old.  Andrew got kind of wiggly after about two hours.  Terry said that they quietly flamed the actors by breathing Godzilla fire to pass the time.  But when they came home, Andrew talked animatedly about how much he enjoyed it!  He said that the story reminded him a little of Cinderella.

I did a photo session this evening with a little girl who is so cute it’s nearly unreasonable.  Instead of cleaning up the house (sorry Mel!), I think I’ll look at those pictures now.


Fun with friends

We’ve gotten to see quite a bit of Eli and Celia these past weeks. And it’s been lovely.  They’re such wonderful kids, and I love to watch them all play together.

For your viewing pleasure, here’s a few pictures of some kiddos enjoying the world and each other…






And on another morning…

Beware the jaguars!


