A blue day

I’m feeling a little sad today.  Is that the kind of thing I normally blog about?  No.  It’s also not the way I often feel.

We’ve heard sad news from several family members in the last week.  None of it directly affects our little family of four, but my heart aches in several tender places.  Also, Sylvia is having a day filled with meltdowns and obstinance.  We went to toddler time this morning, and that was fine, but since then, oh boy…  I don’t think I ever realized that a little person could feel so much fury for such lengths of time.  I feel sad for her.  Today, I feel a little sad for myself too.

She just went down for a nap, and I’m really hoping that when she wakes up that her clouds will have passed and the sun will shine for her again.

Ahh well, some days are like this.  Thanks for listening 🙂


14 Replies to “A blue day”

  1. I'm sorry, Althea. I hope tomorrow goes better and you have some fun. Thanks again, though, for sharing your kiddos with us. I'm sure you miss Andrew and it makes me feel sad that you are sad.

  2. Oh darling — blue days are hard, aren’t they? But I truly believe they are normal and healthy, for even the sunniest of people. Hard stuff happens and somedays that just gets in your soul a bit and needs a little love and attention too. I am always a listener for you.

  3. I'm sorry, Althea. I hope tomorrow goes better and you have some fun. Thanks again, though, for sharing your kiddos with us. I'm sure you miss Andrew and it makes me feel sad that you are sad.

  4. I'm sorry Althea. I've had days like that too when I feel the weight of the world because of the pain of loved ones. That's when it's good to have a God to turn to.

  5. I’m sorry that you’ve been feeling down today and that your precious little girl hasn’t been helping to cheer you up today.  Every day is different and some are harder than others.  You are blessed with lots of people that love you and support you.   And, as always, tomorrow is another day.

  6. Well I’m happy to report that Sylvia did wake up in a nice mood.  She’s been attempting to lick me and laughing uproariously about it.

    And having a couple hours off gave me some good space and time to feel blue so I can now join my girl in feeling orange and purple and gold.

    Thanks for the warm and caring comments.  I feel supported and loved.

  7. I love describing your post-nap moods as “orange and purple and gold.”  I think today I have mostly felt pumpkiny orange with a tinge of brown.

  8. Thanks, D, L, & C! After her nap, Sylvia's sunshine did come out, and we have a very fun and silly afternoon and evening. Lots of snuggling together under a big blanket and laughing.

  9. Thanks, D, L, & C! After her nap, Sylvia's sunshine did come out, and we have a very fun and silly afternoon and evening. Lots of snuggling together under a big blanket and laughing.

  10. I will share a poem with you posted by another blogger (berlinkat) @ http://berlinkat.blogspot.com/.
    Life has many guests! Love to you, my dear.
    The Guest House

    This being human is a guest house.
    Every morning a new arrival.

    A joy, a depression, a meanness,
    some momentary awareness comes
    as an unexpected visitor.

    Welcome and entertain them all!
    Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
    who violently sweep your house
    empty of its furniture,
    still, treat each guest honorably.
    He may be clearing you out
    for some new delight.

    The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
    meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

    Be grateful for whatever comes.
    because each has been sent
    as a guide from beyond.

    – Jelaluddin Rumi,translation by Coleman Barks

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