The ghosts of Halloween’s past

I’m uploading pictures from tonight’s trick-or-treating extravaganza.  Well, maybe not truly an extravaganza, but I think it felt that way for the kids!  After a nice costumed romp in our major leaf piles, we traversed the neighborhood with Alivia, Rayna, Kathy, and Brett.  After eight houses, both Andrew and Alivia were suggesting that we stop.  It’s so nice to live on a quiet dead-end street.  Our kids are the big show in town:)

I just looked back at some of the pictures I’ve taken of Andrew and Alivia (and their baby sisters as they came around), and it’s so cute, I had to share.  More Halloween pictures tomorrow!


Back in Ann Arbor, April was a dragon…

Halloween pooch


Andrew (four months) is a dragon!

Brett, Alivia (18 months old), and Kathy came by to trick-or-treat.

Our neighbors, Brett, Alivia, and Kathy


The next year, we did our own mini-round of door-knocking.  Andrew (16 months) is a duck and Alivia (two-and-a-half).

Andrew and Alivia prepare to go trick-or-treating 2007

Little Rayna is dressed as a pea in a pod.  She’s just under two months old!

Kathy and Rayna

Alivia (three-and-a-half-years old) is a ladybug!

Alivia was a lady bug

Andrew (two years old) on his first real trick-or-treating.  He loved it!  Here his mouth is stuffed full of chocolate.Lion has a mouth full of chocolate 2008

It was a warm evening.  Alivia (four year old) wasn’t feeling well but didn’t want to miss the party.  And Rayna (13 months) was the cutest fairy ever!

Aliva, Kathy, Brett, and Rayna

Look who else joined the party!  Sylvia’s first Halloween!  She’s a bear, and Andrew is a giraffe.

Our family on Halloween


Tonight, the moon was round, the neighborhood owls set the ambiance with lots of hooting, and our four kids ran up and down the street together.

Rayna (bumblebee) is two, Alivia (a princess) is five, Andrew (Godzilla) is four,  and Sylvia (Bunny Blue) is 20 months.


How quickly they grow up.  We’re so lucky to have good friends!


Happy Halloween!!

6 Replies to “The ghosts of Halloween’s past”

  1. What a sweet walk down memory lane. Those are so cute!! And you are right, good, long-term friends while you are raising your children will become life-long friends!!

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