Playing in the leaf-strewn yard

You may be tired of looking at pictures of my kids playing in the leaves, but I’m not!  So here you go.

Sylvia pushes Poodle around in the stroller.

IMG_5985I cannot keep shoes on this girl!  I am so glad that the weather warmed up.  It is such a struggle to get her shoes on, and then even when it’s 50 degrees and raining, I turn around and she’s barefoot.  She must be related to my mom.


Sylvie sure does like her bike.  I love the color!  I’m so glad I picked pink.  I think of it as lilac:)

IMG_6040The squirrels haven’t eaten this pumpkin.  Much.  yet.


They have eaten this pumpkin.  A lot.  It’s gross.


Oh, how do I love our maple tree!?  Let me count the ways.  As many ways as there are leaves.


Andrew got a fun bubble kit from Bryan’s co-worker, Dawn.  He anticipated playing with it for several cold and rainy days, and then he was joyous to finally get to try it out.  He had a blast sticking bubbles to leaves.




And I’ll leave you with a pretty picture.  Isn’t this a lovely plant?


Happy fall everyone!

2 Replies to “Playing in the leaf-strewn yard”

  1. I loved our maple tree, too, immensely and unreservedly.  It was enormous, spreading over our house, our neighbors’ houses, the street.  Piles and PILES of leaves every fall.
    I was heartbroken when it was cut down.

    1. I miss your tree, too, Karen.  You’ve made yourself a lovely sun garden in its place, but that doesn’t make up for it’s huge absence.

      People in our neighborhood have taken down about 10 trees in the last several years.  And as far as I know, they’ve only planted a couple.  Makes me sad.

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