Andrew’s adventure

On Sunday afternoon, Andrew and his aunt Melanie hopped on a plane and flew down to Dallas.  Andrew was so very, very excited about his trip.  He’d packed his back-pack about three weeks ago.  Apparently, he talked about it all the time at preschool.  And he showed absolutely zero trepidation or worry.  My boy was GUNG HO about his adventure. He’s been in Dallas with Melanie since Sunday, and today Granny is picking him up.  He’ll spend the next seven days with her and Grandad.  Andrew sure does love his family!  So do I:)


As we drove away from the airport, Bryan and I both got kind of misty-eyed thinking about our little guy and his big adventure.  There’s a lot of emotion wrapped up in the process of watching your kids grow up.  I felt so proud of him, I missed him, and my heart felt kind of exposed just thinking of the wide experiences he will have outside of our lives together.


If parenting is a continual process of letting go, this was a nice little milestone.  Hopefully it’ll make it a little easier when he goes to kindergarten and (gasp!) college.


On Sunday afternoon, Sylvia had me and Bryan all to herself, and she LOVED it.  We played in the yard and listened to our neighborhood owls hooting from a tree across the street.  We played in the leaves and finally raked them all up, we came inside and had a different, quieter three-person dinner.  Sylvia reveled in the one-on-one attention.  Really, she was basking like a lizard in the sun.  I think she’ll enjoy this week too.


LuAnn flies Andrew back home on November 10.  So until then, I get to be the mama of just a 20-month-old.  So far, it’s loads of fun!


10 Replies to “Andrew’s adventure”

  1. You are so precious to share this little guy with we Texas Dotzours. We are going to enjoy having him sooo much!! Thanks for sacrificing for us so that we can have the joy of grandparenting!! Love to all of you!!

  2. You are so precious to share this little guy with we Texas Dotzours. We are going to enjoy having him sooo much!! Thanks for sacrificing for us so that we can have the joy of grandparenting!​! Love to all of you!!

  3. It's just the beginning. Far away college was the hardest for me. It's great that he is having a good experience, so there can be many more to come. Can't wait until it's Evie visiting her grandparents in Wisconsin.

  4. You are so precious to share this little guy with we Texas Dotzours. We are going to enjoy having him sooo much!! Thanks for sacrificing for us so that we can have the joy of grandparenting!! Love to all of you!!

  5. Shara has taken to reminding me “I’m only around for 4 more years, mom.”  How is THAT possible??

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