Andrew LOVES “inch worms”

worms.JPGApril 20: Andrew spent much of yesterday hunting for worms.  He calls earth worms inch worms, despite somewhat lengthy description of why earth worms are called earth worms.
We did a lot of gardening yesterday, and Andrew’s role was to find worms.  Bryan got out a jar, and Andrew put dozens of worms in it.  They marveled and remarked at each worm, often bringing them to me when they were particularly cool.  Andrew’s face was glowing with excitement and discovery as each new worm was unearthed.

Later, Andrew discovered that some puddles in the street in front of our house contained lots of worms.  The problem?  They were all dead.
Andrew didn’t seem to recognize this.  He said that they were “swimming in the ocean.”  He spent about an hour picking up the worms, holding their grayish, gooey bodies (“They are long and thin, Mommy!”), and moving them from the “ocean” to the pavement.  “Touch them, Mommy!”  I have a pretty big tolerance for dirt and decay and the general grossness of biology, but I admit to having a bit of a gag reflex when Andrew tried to set one of his very slimy, very dead worms on my knee.
this morning, Andrew woke up and nearly immediately started clamoring to go outside to see the worms:)

Maretta’s wedding is close!

weddingflowers.jpgApril 20: Maretta and Kyle’s wedding is coming up in only one month and four days!  They’ve been engaged for over two years, so it’s kind of hard to believe that the wedding time is nearly upon us.  Maretta is graduating with a degree in theater (acting) from the College of St. Catherine’s on May 18, moving out of her dorm, and heading down to Madison for a week of preparation.  The wedding is on Saturday, May 24, and after that, Maretta and Kyle will be heading back to St. Paul.  Kyle is a PhD student at the UM, and he has a few years left in his program.  Maretta will look for work and hopefully get some acting roles in the Minneapolis/St. Paul theater scene.

Nearly everything is lined up for the wedding.  Maretta, Kyle, Kyle’s Mom (Marilyn), and I have teamed up to do the organizing.  When Maretta was home over spring break, we got a lot done.  With spring on the way, it’s feeling more and more like wedding time!

Urge to fuss…fading

April 16: It’s been an intense few days with the kiddos since we returned home from Wichita.  However, I have noted that Sylvia seems to be past the worst of the evening fussy times.  Makes me think of the Simpson’s Treehouse of Horror V quote: “Urge to kill… fading… fading… fading – rising! Fading… fading… gone.”  Substitute “kill” for “fuss,” and I think you’ve got a good description of where we’re heading:)

Reconnecting in Wichita

wichita.JPGApril 15: Our trip to Wichita was really nice!  We left early on Friday morning and returned home late on Sunday night.  Bryan’s parents and Ben and Melanie drove up from Texas to meet us there, and we got to see Bryan’s grandparents, his uncles and aunts, and several good family friends.  Our pictures of the weekend were plentiful, but they were taken on three cameras.  So the gallery currently holds one camera’s worth of  pictures.
Andrew really enjoyed spending time with everyone.  He’s petitioning hard for a trip down to Granny and Grandad’s house, so I think we’ll be looking at a trip down to Texas in June or July.  We’ll probably even leave him down there to spend a bit of solo time.

Bryan’s grandparents are doing well.  Grandma and Grandpa Harvey are back in their own home after spending some time in an assisted living suite while Grandpa recovered from hip replacement surgery.  Bryan’s grandpa, Dandy, passed away last October, so it was nice to see Grandma Jo and give her some hugs.  She’s doing well and is as full of vim and vigor as ever.
We missed seeing Ben’s family and our friends, Julie, Jerry, and Grayson; but maybe next time!  Andrew loved playing outdoors.  The wind was coming on strong, and it wasn’t exactly warm, but that kid has been cooped up inside for so long, he jumps outdoors at the slightest opportunity:)  Fortunately, he had lots of loving relatives willing to join him for some running around the yard time.
It was great to introduce everyone to little Sylvia and to let them see what a neat person Andrew is turning into.  A great time was had by all!

Two-month check-up

2months.JPGApril 14: Sylvia just had her two-month appointment this morning.  For those who have been waiting for statistics, here’s her info:
Height: 23″ (95th percentile)
Weight: 11 lbs, 14 oz (75th percentile)
Head circumference: 15″ (80th percentile)
Up until now, she’s been around the 50th percentile for height and weight.  And Andrew was usually between the 25th and 50th percentile.  She’s growing big!
Our pediatrician was really happy with how she looks.  Sylvia even gave her some dimply smiles.  That is, before she got her vaccinations.  She received three shots this morning, and she’s mostly been sleeping since.  She woke up just as I finished putting Andrew down for his nap, and she was in a really unhappy mood.  I gave her some more Tylanol, nursed her, and laid her back down.  Poor baby was acting like she didn’t feel well.  I’d imagine that three vaccines would make a baby both sore and feeling a little sick too.

Adventures in flying

April 14:  We just got home from a great weekend in Wichita visiting Bryan’s family.  The whole weekend was a lot of fun, but our flight home was a little more exciting than I prefer my flights to be.  First of all, I can no longer go around thinking that my children don’t cry during flights.  Andrew has probably flown 20 or 30 times, and he’s never made much of a fuss.  And the first three legs of our weekend trip, Sylvia was quiet as well.  But the flight from Memphis to Madison was different.  She was mad from the moment we got on the plane, and although she fell asleep (from utter screaming exhaustion) for a while, she was inconsolable nearly the entire time.  She had zero interest in nursing, which Bryan noted makes me a little bit like Superman in the face of kryptonite.  So, that was fun.

Then when our plane got to Madison, we started circling instead of landing.  After a bit, the pilot got on the intercom and announced that we were maneuvering to Madison’s longest runway because the plane’s flaps weren’t going down.  Therefore, the plane was going to be going a lot faster upon landing than usual, and they needed a long runway to give time to stop.  Wow.  That’s exciting.

The emergency row folks got extra briefings, we were told that the landing would be hard and fast, and we should really make sure all our belongings were tightly secured.  In order to prevent Sylvia from becoming a projectile, I got out my coat and zipped her up in it.  The pilot said he’d done this kind of landing before, and the flight attendant wasn’t seeming too phased, and the tenor of the passengers was calm, a little baffled, and probably slightly nervous.  It wasn’t until we after landed (there was a big thump and a lot of breaks as we stopped) and saw all the fire trucks and ambulances with their lights flashing…waiting for us that I felt worried:)

Many of our fellow passengers took pictures of the plane surrounded by emergency vehicles.  Sylvia stopped crying when we got off the plane.  I think at this point, my brain has re-congealed after melting from an hour or so of having her cry on my lap:)
OK, off to Sylvia’s two-month doctor’s appointment!

Off to Wichita

fourkids.JPGApril 10: We’re off to Wichita in the morning!  We’re really looking forward to seeing Bryan’s grandparents as well as his mom and dad and Ben and Melanie (who are all driving up from Texas to meet up with us).  We haven’t been to Wichita since last April, so they’ll see lots of changes in Andrew.  And of course, it will be a lot of fun to introduce them to Sylvia!  Our bags are packed, and I we’re nearly ready to roll.
I’m returning Ben and Melanie’s super-cool camera to them, so I downloaded some last photos from it.  They’re in the gallery (amended to an earlier set of pictures).
We’ve had a great time seeing lots of our friends in the last week.  Andrew and Alivia have been playing together a lot.  Eli and Jessica came over the other day.  We got to see Sarah and Wyatt last Thursday.  Fun times!  I also just did a tour of a nearby (as in a block away) preschool, and I registered Andrew to start in the fall.  He’ll be going two mornings a week from 8:45 to 11:45.  The classrooms were so crafty and playful and wonderful.  I wish he could start next week!

Mom’s birthday

Daffodils.jpegApril 7: Mom’s 56th birthday is today.  It’s the first birthday she’s ever skipped in her whole life.  And it feels weird.  A real reminder that she’s not here with us anymore.  Instead of feeling sad (which is pretty easy to do), I’ve been trying to think of using her birthday as an opportunity to celebrate Mom.  So family members who are here in Madison are going out to dinner tonight at the Mariner’s Inn.  I think I’ll order lobster.  It’s Mom’s favorite.  And mine:)
I also thought that Mom would probably really enjoy it if I got her grandkids some cute clothes to celebrate her birthday.  Unfortunately, shopping with the two little ones is a little beyond my abilities today, so maybe a belated birthday present, Mom.
I did make a birthday present for Mom.  And since she’s not here to give it to, I thought I’d share it with you.  Mom really enjoyed poetry.  She had lots of poems memorized, and when I went through her papers, I was surprised at the number of poems and beautiful prose that I found copied out in her lovely handwriting.
I pulled together a set of poems that either I know Mom enjoyed or I think she would enjoy.  You can find them here.  I hope they make you smile and perhaps breathe more deeply for a moment and think for a moment about what a wonderful world we all live in.

Sweet moments

twokids.JPGApril 7: It’s a miracle!  Both kids are asleep.  I just snuck out of the bed after lying down next to Sylvia for almost an hour.  She really only likes to nap either on my lap on next to me in bed.  Occasionally over the last hour, her eyes would flicker open, and a brief smile would spread across her face as she noted that I was still next to her.  What sweetness.  But then she seemed more lax, more asleep, and I snuck away to have a few moments in a room by myself before the next round of parenting starts.  Andrew is sleeping this afternoon too. After spending the morning at Alivia’s house, he came home quiet tired.  And happily, today (as opposed to the last couple days) he took a nap.
Andrew loves Syliva so much.  I got home from Carleton late on Saturday night. On Sunday morning, Andrew came around to my side of the bed and asked if Sylvia was there.  Then he crawled over me, cupped her chubby cheek in his two-year-old hand and said, “She’s so beautiful.  I love her pretty eyes.”  Then he got cozy under the covers and cuddled with all of us.  What a sweet boy!
Pictures from the last several days are in the gallery.

I drove up to Northfield, MN on Thursday last week to attend an Alumni Concil meeting at Carleton.  Sylvia had been rather fussy the previous couple days, so I was rather skeptical that it was a good idea to try to drive four hours with her solo and have her sitting in two full-day committee meetings.  However, the whole experience was a good one.  She didn’t cry much on either leg of the trip…maybe an hour, but she tends to cry for around an hour in the evenings anyway, so it was pretty managable.  She did great during the meeting times, and it was a lot of fun to share her with the other people on the council.  I love playing “pass the baby!”
While I was gone, Andrew went to daycare at Karen’s on Friday and had a great time.  I think he enjoyed getting to see Karen and some of the other kids he knew.  On Saturday, Becky came over to watch him in the morning while Bryan went to a Madison Film Festival show, and then Bryan and Andrew spent most of the rest of the day outdoors.
It was a lovely weekend.  The air was pretty balmy, and we got to see many of our neighbors as we swept out the garage, raked all the leaves out our gardens, and threw balls around in the yard.
Today the weather is back in the 30s, but warm spring is peeking around somewhere. I just know it!  I have several pots of pansies waiting to be planted when the last piles of snow disappear.
We’re off to Wichita this weekend to introduce Syliva to Bryan’s grandparents and aunts and uncles.  Bryan’s parents and Ben and Melanie will be driving up from Texas to join us.  We’re looking forward to it.  This will be Sylvia’s first plane flight.  And she is eight weeks old today!

Making forts on a sunny morning

umbrella.JPGApril 2:  I’m amazed that I’m having a moment to log on to the computer mid-morning.  Sylvia went down for a nap almost an hour ago, and despite waking up and nursing briefly, she’s still sleeping.  Alivia is spending the morning at our house, and she and Andrew built a cool fort made of blankets and chairs in the sun room.  They have flashlights, and pillows, and they have informed me that Spooky (our cat) is a monster from whom they are hiding.
Now they’ve switched gears and are dancing to the Nutcracker in the living room.  They are sure having fun together, despite some, er, negotiation about who is in charge and what it means to share.
I am driving up to Northfield on Thursday night with Sylvia to attend a Carleton Alumni Council meeting on Friday and Saturday.  Andrew is going to go to Karen’s on Friday.  I’m hoping he has fun seeing some of his old friends and spending some time with Karen again.
That’s the update for this morning.  I’m off to join in the Nutcracker dance!
Pictures from the last few days are in the gallery.