Making forts on a sunny morning

umbrella.JPGApril 2:  I’m amazed that I’m having a moment to log on to the computer mid-morning.  Sylvia went down for a nap almost an hour ago, and despite waking up and nursing briefly, she’s still sleeping.  Alivia is spending the morning at our house, and she and Andrew built a cool fort made of blankets and chairs in the sun room.  They have flashlights, and pillows, and they have informed me that Spooky (our cat) is a monster from whom they are hiding.
Now they’ve switched gears and are dancing to the Nutcracker in the living room.  They are sure having fun together, despite some, er, negotiation about who is in charge and what it means to share.
I am driving up to Northfield on Thursday night with Sylvia to attend a Carleton Alumni Council meeting on Friday and Saturday.  Andrew is going to go to Karen’s on Friday.  I’m hoping he has fun seeing some of his old friends and spending some time with Karen again.
That’s the update for this morning.  I’m off to join in the Nutcracker dance!
Pictures from the last few days are in the gallery.