Andrew LOVES “inch worms”

worms.JPGApril 20: Andrew spent much of yesterday hunting for worms.  He calls earth worms inch worms, despite somewhat lengthy description of why earth worms are called earth worms.
We did a lot of gardening yesterday, and Andrew’s role was to find worms.  Bryan got out a jar, and Andrew put dozens of worms in it.  They marveled and remarked at each worm, often bringing them to me when they were particularly cool.  Andrew’s face was glowing with excitement and discovery as each new worm was unearthed.

Later, Andrew discovered that some puddles in the street in front of our house contained lots of worms.  The problem?  They were all dead.
Andrew didn’t seem to recognize this.  He said that they were “swimming in the ocean.”  He spent about an hour picking up the worms, holding their grayish, gooey bodies (“They are long and thin, Mommy!”), and moving them from the “ocean” to the pavement.  “Touch them, Mommy!”  I have a pretty big tolerance for dirt and decay and the general grossness of biology, but I admit to having a bit of a gag reflex when Andrew tried to set one of his very slimy, very dead worms on my knee.
this morning, Andrew woke up and nearly immediately started clamoring to go outside to see the worms:)