Maretta’s wedding is close!

weddingflowers.jpgApril 20: Maretta and Kyle’s wedding is coming up in only one month and four days!  They’ve been engaged for over two years, so it’s kind of hard to believe that the wedding time is nearly upon us.  Maretta is graduating with a degree in theater (acting) from the College of St. Catherine’s on May 18, moving out of her dorm, and heading down to Madison for a week of preparation.  The wedding is on Saturday, May 24, and after that, Maretta and Kyle will be heading back to St. Paul.  Kyle is a PhD student at the UM, and he has a few years left in his program.  Maretta will look for work and hopefully get some acting roles in the Minneapolis/St. Paul theater scene.

Nearly everything is lined up for the wedding.  Maretta, Kyle, Kyle’s Mom (Marilyn), and I have teamed up to do the organizing.  When Maretta was home over spring break, we got a lot done.  With spring on the way, it’s feeling more and more like wedding time!