Two-month check-up

2months.JPGApril 14: Sylvia just had her two-month appointment this morning.  For those who have been waiting for statistics, here’s her info:
Height: 23″ (95th percentile)
Weight: 11 lbs, 14 oz (75th percentile)
Head circumference: 15″ (80th percentile)
Up until now, she’s been around the 50th percentile for height and weight.  And Andrew was usually between the 25th and 50th percentile.  She’s growing big!
Our pediatrician was really happy with how she looks.  Sylvia even gave her some dimply smiles.  That is, before she got her vaccinations.  She received three shots this morning, and she’s mostly been sleeping since.  She woke up just as I finished putting Andrew down for his nap, and she was in a really unhappy mood.  I gave her some more Tylanol, nursed her, and laid her back down.  Poor baby was acting like she didn’t feel well.  I’d imagine that three vaccines would make a baby both sore and feeling a little sick too.