Pinocchio. Puh puh puh

Sylvia’s last day of Toddler Time at Monona Grove Nursery School was a couple weeks ago.  The next time she’ll be back in school will be next fall.  She’s so excited to think that she’ll be going to school “All by herself.  With no Mommy!”

Here are Sylvie and Celia with Patrice, their Thursday Toddler Time teacher on the last day of class.  Patrice is awesome.  If you have a 0-5 year old in Madison, I highly, highly recommend Monona Grove Nursery School:)



I didn’t bring my camera to to our other class, but Sylvia and I both also really enjoyed Toddler Time with Diana.  Next year, dear Linda will be teaching Toddler Time along with Patrice.  And Sylvie will be in preschool on Thursday and Friday mornings with Sue and Jodi!

On to other news…about Sylvia and her letters.  In general, my girl marches to her own drum.  The beating of her drum doesn’t include much about letters, numbers, categorizing things, or puzzles.  She loves to be read to, and she loves to read to herself (yay!), yet she is completely oblivious to letters.  I’ve been pointing out every “S” for Sylvia that I see for months, and she doesn’t seem to care one bit.  “A” – who cares?  “O” like a circle…nope.

My sense is that she could learn her letters but that it just isn’t interesting to her.  So I spent a few weeks mulling over how to best approach this situation.  I’m sure she’ll learn her letters by the time she’s six…there’s nothing critical about early adoption of letter learning.  In fact, I’d rather she play and imagine and read herself stories and run through the grass rather than work on letter-learning.  Yet, I can’t help but feel like if I find the right things, it might spark her interest and she might take off on a grand exploration of sounds and letters and words.  What’s a parent to do?

Along the same lines, I was noting that Sylvie doesn’t have much interest in activities like puzzles.  So I don’t tend to do puzzles.  But perhaps I should pull them out sometimes just to encourage well-rounded-ness.  I think maybe I’ll make a point of doing some block-building and puzzle-doing and see if she sometimes wants to join in.

Back to letters – I thought about following the Montessori methods of making letters out of different textiles – like sandpaper – to help with learning.  But I have a sneaking suspicion that those wouldn’t spark her interest either.  I started thinking about this LeapFrog toy I’ve seen at friends’ houses that allows kids to spell out words.

And then I had a crisis of conscious.

We don’t do battery-operated toys.  I definitely don’t do educational battery operated toys.  No talking toys, no singing toys, no lights-flashing/noise-making toys.  And somehow I lucked out, and everyone in our gift-giving circle either espouses the same values or is super-respectful of my inclinations.  Our non-battery operated toys require imagination and creativity.  The child brings their ideas and spirit to the toy to play rather than looking to the toy to entertain them.

However, Mom always said, “Moderation in everything, including moderation.”  I was eying this LeapFrog singing, talking toy because I thought it might spark Sylvia’s interest in letters and sounds.  And you know what, it’s worked.

04-28-11_ToddlerTime_085Sylvia (and Andrew) loves it.  She plays with it all the time (and it only makes me slightly insane).  Within a day or two, she could identify several letters.  But more than that, she was excited about pointing out those letters.

04-28-11_ToddlerTime_089 She likes hearing which letters make which sounds.


Then last weekend, we were at Terry’s and saw his Pinocchio doll.  Sylvia said, “Puh, puh, puh, Pinocchio.  What letter does puh make?”  My jaw dropped.  It’s so exciting to see my kids start to engage in the world in new ways.  For her to express – out of the blue – that she gets that words are made of sounds and that corresponds to a letter.  Be still my heart:)

04-28-11_ToddlerTime_094So thanks, LeapFrog for sparking my daughter’s interest.  I’m not a converted batteries-in-toys advocate, but it’s neat to see how the right toy (or in other cases TV show or game) can launch a child in a new direction.  Yay Sylvia!

Freeze powder

My mom used to say that the baby gift she most wanted to give to new parents is a little vial of “freeze powder.”  So at those times when life is so sweet that it almost hurts, you can freeze the passing of time and just keep those little babies their current age for an indefinite period of time.  I would have frozen my babes at around 7 or nine months.  And I would most definitely freeze them right now.

Spring has finally finally come to Wisconsin.  We went from weather in the 50s to weather in the high 80s.  The grass is green.  Our yard is a carpet of violets.  The cherry and magnolia trees are a profusion of pink.  The maple trees are transitioning from their sprigs of light green flowers to their tiny, bright green leaves.  I pulled our hammock out of storage yesterday and curled up on it in the afternoon with a couple girls…reading stories and swaying in the soft breeze.

So I’d like to freeze May for at least a couple months.  More than that, though, I’d like to freeze Andrew and Sylvia right here at 3 and 3/12 years old and at 5 and 10/12 years old.  While we certainly have moments of angst, sadness, and hair-rending, in general, these two kids are sweet beyond belief.  They’re playing together with energy and delight.  I wake up to the sound of their collective giggling.  I have to pull  Andrew out of Sylvia’s room at night, because he snuck in “just to read her one last book.”

Andrew is so inquisitive and smart.  It’s a true delight to explore the world with him.  Sylvia is in an emotional place of increased stability and calm.  She’s delightful and conversational.  I love the way her limbs fold up on my lap.  I love the way her breath smells and that when her tears fall think and hot down her cheeks, I can make things better.  I love her sense of style, the way she spins and jumps and shrieks with mirth.  From this vantage point, I feel grateful for the sometimes-trials of parenting as I feel an inner expansiveness borne through the combustion that can be children.

I’ve assembled a collection of some of my favorite images of the kids below.  So many adorable moments in just the last few weeks.

Maybe that’s one of the reasons I like photography so much.  Since freeze powder is in short supply, these images we take and share and hold are our best alternative.

Thanks to Jessica for taking these pics of me and Sylv.



I feel so lucky that I can be at home with the kids and spend many sweet hours in their company.  Enjoy some little Dotzour silliness.

















The coming of spring – Easter hike

I’d only been on antibiotics for a day, but those magic pills made such a difference!  While I still had some signs of strep – a very sore throat, but the dizzy, achy, sick feeling had pretty much gone away.  I was happy and relieved to be able to join in the Easter Day activities:)

After we got home from Terry’s we played outside for a while.  Sylvie’s loving her trike.


Spooky and Bowser are enjoying a breath of fresh air.  Bowser’s weight is up to 9.5 lbs, so he’s no longer emaciated and dropping.  They still are eating some very expensive hypoallergenic food (rabbit), but other than that, he’s also off his extensive meds.  Hope he’s better…whatever it was that was causing the problem!


Sylvie brought some of the eggs outside and was having fun re-hiding them.


Cute girl!


In the afternoon, we headed out to Cherokee Marsh.  We decided to see if we could find any dragons.  Little, friendly dragons, not much bigger than a bird.  Andrew brought along his bug catcher net for dragon catching.


Activity 1: jumping off a stump.


Big ‘ole Andrew strong and brave.


Kids skipping toward the water, hoping perhaps to find a water dragon.  Would they be blue?  Better look hard, they’ll flash by before you can see!


Hmm, what do you think scratched away at this tree trunk?  A deer?  A beaver?  A dragon?


I love this picture!  Two kids, exploring the world.


Cherokee Marsh in April.  Bryan has been kayaking around here and really enjoys it.


Kids running down a forest path in the spring.


Some spring ephemerals are blooming.  Anyone know what this one is?  Anne?


Moss and fresh leaves.  Sylvie stopped in her tracks when she saw this bright patch of beautiful moss.


Girl in the woods.


Heading down the hill.  I was happy we didn’t run into any ticks on this outing.  Or maybe Bryan did find one.  But no ticks that dug in…


The spring peepers (teeny tiny frogs…see a photo and hear their song here) were peeping their hearts out in a pond.  The noise was like a roar.  We sat for a long time on the board walk, listening for the peepers and looking for a glimpse of one.


Sylvie was quite amused by using sticks to dig around in the water for dead vegetation.


Andrew, meanwhile, used his bug/dragon catching net as a pond scum catcher.


A Canada Goose was nesting nearby.  Bryan’s pointing it out to Sylvie.


Not much better than spending time outdoors together as a family.


No dragons were found on this trip (although Andrew thought he saw a flash of shimmering gold).  We’ll try again soon…

Before getting back into the cars, we did the obligatory playtime on the big rocks by the parking lot.


Brown-eyed Andrew


I was admiring Andrew’s beautiful baby teeth (I don’t tell him they are baby teeth, or he would probably not be too pleased).  Not too long, and he’ll have one, two, four, eight big teeth filling that little mouth.  I treasure his sweet five-year-old smile.


He thought he could stop me from tickling and photographing him.  Nope!



So glad I have these images of my little boy filled with mirth!04-24-11_Home_241

Family pics and Easter brunch

On Easter morning, we headed over to Terry’s to have brunch at the Madison Club with Terry, Tom, and Terry’s neighbor Connie.  Since we were all looking spiffy, we thought we’d take a few family pictures.

I love these pictures of Andrew and me!



Nice family portrait.


Silly family portrait.  Why is it that the silly appeals to me so much more?


I love Andrew’ expression in this next one.  And I like that he and I are looking at the camera while Bryan and Sylvie aren’t.


Here’s Connie’s dog, Leena.  She just had some major surgery a couple weeks ago after breaking her hip.  Sylvia loves Leena.



Last time we were at the Madison Club for Easter brunch was in 2006.  Maretta and Kyle had just gotten engaged, and Andrew was a mere 9 months old.  Here’s Andrew with his first Easter bunny.  A little creepy, if you ask me!

Andrew meets his first easter bunnyMichael entertains a not-quite-crawling baby boy.

Easter lunch.  Uncle Michael entertains the baby.

Now here we are in 2011…

Andrew’s being silly with Tom.



Love the bouquet of blooms on our table!


Miss Sylv did a good job at brunch.  It’s so nice to be able to take the kids places and have it go smoothly.  A three- and five-year old are so much easier than a two- and four-year old!


Here’s our brunch crew…


Back at Terry’s I pulled out the camera again.  This time I got a portrait of Tom,


and one of Connie with Leena.


Andrew and his dad…


Sylvie loves to wear Maretta’s red shoes that Terry keeps in his guest room.  She races to put them on as soon as we come over.


Here she’s modeling her favorite footwear.


Rocking the twist:)

04-24-11_Home_141Stuffed and happy, we headed home to rest for a bit before going out on an afternoon hike.  Happy Easter, all!

Happy Mother’s Day!

I’m at Jack’s house for the spring wildflower weekend.  Photos from our visit are uploaded (making the visit official and true).

Last night, Jack shared a hilarious essay.  I read it and laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe.  Then I found a video of the author, Ian Frazier, reading it out loud, and I laughed until my belly ached.  Tears.  Tears of mirth.  Ahh, good stuff.

So to all you mothers, parents, or people who have been near children, enjoy.  And happy mother’s day!

Laws Concerning Food and Drink; Household Principles; Lamentations of the Father by Ian Fraizer (written version here)

PS.  My favorite parts were “Laws pertaining to dessert” and “On screaming”

Easter morning

On Easter-eve, Bryan headed out to acquire some munchies for the Easter baskets.  I’d some some shopping (for bunny ears, etc. last month one night when I had a shopping urge, and good thing too as I was so sick on Saturday).

Here’s Andrew-the-rabbit.


We kept it pretty simple, with a few jelly beans, some M&Ms, and some (yum) Cadburry mini-eggs (I ate most of the kids mini-eggs when they weren’t looking.  Mom prerogative.).


Over the years (all the way back to college), my aunt Kate has sent lots of Easter critters.  We’ve got singing ducks and big bunnies and more ducks and more bunnies.  Sylvie and Andrew had fun playing with them all this Easter.  And I turned my winter tree into a spring tree.  I spray painted it white and hung felt eggs from its branches.  Cute:)


While it was pretty chilly, we had fun running around in the yard looking for Easter eggs.  Andrew was so thoughtful about making sure that Sylvie got the same number that he had.  What a sweet brother!


Sylvie samples the contents of the eggs.


Two bunnies go a-hiking.


The cuteness is unbearable.  And can I just say how much I l.o.v.e. my camera?!


Sylvie seeking out more eggs.  One is still missing.  Maybe the bunnies found it:)


Andrew and Sylvia on Easter morn.  Those little people make my heart sing.


Run kids, run!


Spring is coming after all!  The daffodils are blooming:)


Time to head inside to warm up.  These guys did a great job hunting for eggs.  What a fun thing to do together:)


Easter preparations

We returned home from Dallas-and-other-adventures on Thursday night – late.  Sylvia’s pink roller bag was mangled in the valet check, but other than that, we were all safe and sound and happy to be back together again.  Here’s a photo of Bryan reading to the kids.  Note that Sylvie is wearing a swimming suit over her footie pajamas.  Always adding a little flair, that girl:)


So nice to wake up and snuggle in Daddy’s arms.


On Friday afternoon, I started coming down with what turned out to be strep throat.  I was woozie and exhausted and achy.  Bryan took off Friday afternoon to spend some time with us, and I ended up napping.  Then on Saturday morning, I went to Urgent Care for a throat culture and started on antibiotics.  While I lay on the couch for 14 hours, Bryan played with the kids.  He took them to Kids in the Rotunda to see David Landau; afterwards they went to Indian Buffet.  After coming home, they started dying Easter eggs.  I staggered forth from my couch-home to photograph the proceedings before re-collapsing in a horizontal position.



I love the colors and the delight of dying eggs.  We got a glitter kit this year, so now many of our hard boiled eggs have a fine, sparkly coating.  I’m sure it’s edible…


Here’s Sylvie looking a bit too long for her toddler bed.  She loses her blankets almost every night, so I switched her to twin-sized sheets and blankets so they tuck in more fully at the bottom.  Seems to help with the middle of the night, “MOOOOMMMM, DAAAADD!  BLANKETS!!  BLANKETS!!!” issue.


Aaak. the toes.  Be still my heart.  Sweetness:)


Dallas – Aquarium and visit with Melanie

We’ve come to the last post in this somewhat epic spring vacation blog posting extravaganza.  While I’ll be publishing them one-a-day over the next weeks, I’ve written all 12 in one day.  A day that involved me sitting on the sofa for about 12 hours.  I’m nursing my sore throat and my woozy head.  Step, strep, be gone!

But you’re reading this sometime in May, and hopefully we are all healthy again.

This was my second visit to the Dallas World Aquarium.  My first was with Bryan back in December 2009 (post and photos here).  On Thursday morning, we packed up our things at Kirk and Sue’s house and took our rental car (a very snazzy red Chevy Cruze) to the train station where we caught the DART downtown.  The kids really enjoyed being on the train.  What an adventure!  When we got to the aquarium, Sylvia wanted to see the sloth and Andrew wanted to see the toucans.

Here’s the sleepy sloth.


And here they got to feed the toucans blueberries!


Unfortunately, the stopping of the blueberry feeding resulted in a 20 minute tantrum from my dear daughter.

Eventually, I walked away and photographed this giant otter.


Andrew helped her recover (holding her face in his hands and trying to make her laugh).  And off we headed to check out more wildlife.  Here, the kids are checking out some big lizards.


This aquarium is incredible.  It’s as much a zoo as an aquarium, and I love how their exhibits have you wander through ecosystems.  Makes it feel like you’re in the jungle as the birds fly over head.


04-21-11_Dallas_063My favorite creature of the trip was this octopus, who was swimming/crawling across the tank.  Seeing all those suckers work in harmony was really quite stunning!

04-21-11_Dallas_090Due to more tantruming, we made a quick exit from the aquarium and caught the train back up to Plano.  From there, we drove up to Frisco, where we got to see Melanie’s Curves in its new location.

Andrew was having a blast using the stretching apparatus as a jungle gym.


04-21-11_Dallas_100Here’s Mel at her Curves!



The kids wanted to have lunch at Indian Buffet, so Melanie directed us to one nearby.  After stuffing ourselves (is it possible to not stuff one’s self at an Indian Buffet?), we headed over to a great playground before we needed to zip back to the airport to return the rental car and catch our 5:30pm flight.

The kids got some good pre-traveling running around time.


More importantly, we all got a little more play-with-Melanie time!





The kids sure did like this tire swing!




The rental car got returned without a hitch, but our flights were delayed.  It looked somewhat unlikely that we’d make our connection in Chicago, but we did!  The flight out of Chicago was actually delayed for an hour or so, but the kids did wonderfully.  They played London Bridges and Ring Around the Rosie and a little small-space tag.  Andrew read to Sylvia, we dolled out the candy from Kirk and Sue, and everyone stayed happy.

And when we got home, Bryan and Terry met us at the airport!  It felt so nice to be home again:)  Sylvia’s bag had a rather fatal mishap in the valet check, but nothing besides the bag itself was damaged.

What a lot of great visiting!  The kitties are happy to have me home again.  And I’m so glad to have all these photos and memories of my trip.  Thanks to Granny and Grandad for taking the kids for the week so I could play!  Glad to be back home with my husband and kiddos again:)

Andrew’s aquarium photographs

On Thursday morning, we visited the Dallas aquarium.  Andrew really wanted to take pictures, so (while keeping the strap around my neck, and after setting the exposure for him), I let him take the following pictures.

Here’s a very active anaconda.


Andrew decided to take pictures of Sylvia yelling.  She’s in the midst of a long, mid-level tantrum.  Fortunately, the aquarium was so loud, few people noticed.

04-21-11_Dallas_076Oh, so sad!  Good focusing, Andrew!

04-21-11_Dallas_080Here’s Andrew’s picture of the manatees.

04-21-11_Dallas_081And here’s his picture of a giant crab.  This thing was about the size of Sylvia!


One last one…I didn’t get to adjust the exposure on this one for him.  The incredible Mundo Maya shark and ray tunnel.

04-21-11_Dallas_091Pretty cool that my boy is interested in taking photos!  Maybe I’ll set him up with my point and shoot and we can go on photo safaris together soon:)


Oh, and FYI there are web cams of the manatees and the incredible leafy sea horses here.

Hanging in Dallas

The plan was to pick up the kids at the airport on Wednesday and then to fly back to Madison.  That was the plan.  Didn’t quite work out that way, though.

On Wednesday, I flew in to Dallas from DC, and LuAnn drove the kids up to Dallas from College Station.  It was so fun to greet them at our gate!  Being apart from them for a week got me to a place where I really kinda missed them.  It’s nice to be apart sometimes so you appreciate when you’re together:)

Here were a few photos I took before we got on the plane to fly to Madison.



Siblings mugging for the camera.  Sylvia loves looking at this sequence.




Our flight was delayed almost an hour (pilot was missing), so we headed over to the kids area to play.



Andrew’s walking the plank.


After we got on the plane, we waited another 45 minutes, and then they pulled us off and canceled the flight because a co-pilot couldn’t be found.

I scrambled a little, got vouchers for meals and hotel, checked in with Melanie (who lives north of Dallas) and my uncle and aunt (who also live north of Dallas).  We got a rental car, and drove up to Plano where we enjoyed supper and some evening dress-up time at Kirk and Sue’s house.  Kirk hadn’t seen Andrew since he was a baby, and Sue had never met either of them.  The kids were mighty smitten with Kirk and Sue’s generosity.  They loved playing King and Queen (or Princess) after dressing up in Aunt Sue’s costume jewelry and scarves.




Sue put together some treat bags for the kids to take home, and we dolled out the candy over the course of our long flight home the next day.  Andrew noted several times after our visit how much he enjoyed talking with Kirk and Sue.  Thanks, guys, for putting us up for the night on such short notice.  It was a lot of fun to spend the evening together.