Easter preparations

We returned home from Dallas-and-other-adventures on Thursday night – late.  Sylvia’s pink roller bag was mangled in the valet check, but other than that, we were all safe and sound and happy to be back together again.  Here’s a photo of Bryan reading to the kids.  Note that Sylvie is wearing a swimming suit over her footie pajamas.  Always adding a little flair, that girl:)


So nice to wake up and snuggle in Daddy’s arms.


On Friday afternoon, I started coming down with what turned out to be strep throat.  I was woozie and exhausted and achy.  Bryan took off Friday afternoon to spend some time with us, and I ended up napping.  Then on Saturday morning, I went to Urgent Care for a throat culture and started on antibiotics.  While I lay on the couch for 14 hours, Bryan played with the kids.  He took them to Kids in the Rotunda to see David Landau; afterwards they went to Indian Buffet.  After coming home, they started dying Easter eggs.  I staggered forth from my couch-home to photograph the proceedings before re-collapsing in a horizontal position.



I love the colors and the delight of dying eggs.  We got a glitter kit this year, so now many of our hard boiled eggs have a fine, sparkly coating.  I’m sure it’s edible…


Here’s Sylvie looking a bit too long for her toddler bed.  She loses her blankets almost every night, so I switched her to twin-sized sheets and blankets so they tuck in more fully at the bottom.  Seems to help with the middle of the night, “MOOOOMMMM, DAAAADD!  BLANKETS!!  BLANKETS!!!” issue.


Aaak. the toes.  Be still my heart.  Sweetness:)
