Easter morning

On Easter-eve, Bryan headed out to acquire some munchies for the Easter baskets.  I’d some some shopping (for bunny ears, etc. last month one night when I had a shopping urge, and good thing too as I was so sick on Saturday).

Here’s Andrew-the-rabbit.


We kept it pretty simple, with a few jelly beans, some M&Ms, and some (yum) Cadburry mini-eggs (I ate most of the kids mini-eggs when they weren’t looking.  Mom prerogative.).


Over the years (all the way back to college), my aunt Kate has sent lots of Easter critters.  We’ve got singing ducks and big bunnies and more ducks and more bunnies.  Sylvie and Andrew had fun playing with them all this Easter.  And I turned my winter tree into a spring tree.  I spray painted it white and hung felt eggs from its branches.  Cute:)


While it was pretty chilly, we had fun running around in the yard looking for Easter eggs.  Andrew was so thoughtful about making sure that Sylvie got the same number that he had.  What a sweet brother!


Sylvie samples the contents of the eggs.


Two bunnies go a-hiking.


The cuteness is unbearable.  And can I just say how much I l.o.v.e. my camera?!


Sylvie seeking out more eggs.  One is still missing.  Maybe the bunnies found it:)


Andrew and Sylvia on Easter morn.  Those little people make my heart sing.


Run kids, run!


Spring is coming after all!  The daffodils are blooming:)


Time to head inside to warm up.  These guys did a great job hunting for eggs.  What a fun thing to do together:)


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