Family pics and Easter brunch

On Easter morning, we headed over to Terry’s to have brunch at the Madison Club with Terry, Tom, and Terry’s neighbor Connie.  Since we were all looking spiffy, we thought we’d take a few family pictures.

I love these pictures of Andrew and me!



Nice family portrait.


Silly family portrait.  Why is it that the silly appeals to me so much more?


I love Andrew’ expression in this next one.  And I like that he and I are looking at the camera while Bryan and Sylvie aren’t.


Here’s Connie’s dog, Leena.  She just had some major surgery a couple weeks ago after breaking her hip.  Sylvia loves Leena.



Last time we were at the Madison Club for Easter brunch was in 2006.  Maretta and Kyle had just gotten engaged, and Andrew was a mere 9 months old.  Here’s Andrew with his first Easter bunny.  A little creepy, if you ask me!

Andrew meets his first easter bunnyMichael entertains a not-quite-crawling baby boy.

Easter lunch.  Uncle Michael entertains the baby.

Now here we are in 2011…

Andrew’s being silly with Tom.



Love the bouquet of blooms on our table!


Miss Sylv did a good job at brunch.  It’s so nice to be able to take the kids places and have it go smoothly.  A three- and five-year old are so much easier than a two- and four-year old!


Here’s our brunch crew…


Back at Terry’s I pulled out the camera again.  This time I got a portrait of Tom,


and one of Connie with Leena.


Andrew and his dad…


Sylvie loves to wear Maretta’s red shoes that Terry keeps in his guest room.  She races to put them on as soon as we come over.


Here she’s modeling her favorite footwear.


Rocking the twist:)

04-24-11_Home_141Stuffed and happy, we headed home to rest for a bit before going out on an afternoon hike.  Happy Easter, all!

One Reply to “Family pics and Easter brunch”

  1. I love that last picture of Sylvia in the red shoes. It definitely embodies how wonderful a fun pair of shoes can be!

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